His Butler, Making Up

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First smut leave me alone ty💀💀

Sebastian had a hell of a lot to make up, there was the matter with Beast and now this. That night after putting the young master to bed with a cup of warm milk he paid you a visit. You knew he was coming so you wore your nightgown with the buttons undone all the way. You sat on your bed waiting in the dimly lit room. Suddenly your candlelight went out and you felt Sebastian on top of you, his face nuzzled into your neck and he breathed deeply, "Y/n are you going to stay cross with me?" He began placing butterfly kisses down your neck yet you wouldn't budge you crossed your arms and he stopped and looked at you. "Make. It. Up... Everything" he smirked at your boldness, you were pissed and wanted to wipe that smirk off his face, everything he did recently was coming back to your mind. Starting at your feet he made his way up to your lips with his feathery kisses. "Look at me grovelling for a human, what makes you so special I will never know." He gently grabbed your chin and passionately kissed you, seeing you unfazed he traced his finger down your nightgown which opened up as if it was slashed with a knife and began to kiss you all over your chest and over to your shoulders groaning into your neck. "You're so mad you're not even shying away. Look at you, like a queen on your throne demanding I please you." You didn't speak, simply unfolding your arms you grabbed his tie and brought him closer between your legs, placing your tongue in his mouth you began to dance a dangerous dance, feeling hot in his mouth you pulled away but he grabbed your chin continually kissing you. It became sloppy on your end and you needed to breathe, it felt like you were going out of consciousness and he let you go for a breather, sliding down your ripped nightgown and folding it as if that was necessary, you started to undo his tailcoat. Feeling the material was satisfying as you slid it off his shoulders and began to work on his other bits of attire until you removed his pocket watch and started playing with it. He sighed and started removing the rest of his clothing. "You can be childish when you want to be you know," he said while removing his gloves off with his teeth. "Bratty is more like it," he mumbled.  Suddenly grabbing his pocket watch and setting it down he spread your legs and started to rub your clit while attaching his lips to your neck, your pout fled your face as you felt yourself becoming steadily wet and you let a moan slip. Thrusting a finger into you, you gripped his shoulder at the sudden entrance, "Mm, is that how you make up to me?" he picked his head up with a smirk, your eyes had more traces of fuchsia in them as you stared at him, his lips parted in shock from seeing that.

 He pulled out his finger from your core and licked up your wetness from his finger. "It's been so long since I deflowered you, yet it feels just as tight," his smirk was so arrogantly plastered on his face as you looked away embarrassed. He put that same finger in your mouth and placed his self at your entrance before entering painfully slow. The moan he drew from you was one of who was deprived of sexual desire, finally being able to find release. "That was quite nice kitten~ do it again." Grinning, he started thrusting his hips into yours, the sounds your bodies produced turned you on even more. His movements were leisurely and driving you insane with every stroke. "Mm Sebastian.." you pleaded with him. He advanced his pace slamming his hips into yours, he loved your inability to keep quiet. He loved pushing you over the edge with his words and physicality. Teasing you into a hot mess until you couldn't take it anymore, then giving you what you wanted most from him. His hand travelled from your mouth to your throat as he slowly drove into you, leaning in he inhaled your scent, "You drive me insane you know." 

You felt yourself about to cum and you clenched around his length earning a throaty groan from him, he began abusing your chest leaving red and purple hickeys on your skin. You arched your back suddenly and moaned loudly clenching harder around Sebastian as you cummed, being the demon he was he continued smirking at your facial expression as you were beginning to feel overstimulated. You pushed lightly at his chest, "Sebastian, let me take over love." you said as you traced his collarbone with your finger. He stopped abruptly, your voice was dripping with lust and your eyes were just as lustful, the small traces of fuchsia in your eyes burned brightly in the darkness. You changed positions so he was laying and you were sitting by his knees. Taking his length in your hand, you began to stroke him. He was taken aback by your actions as his breaths became shallow. "Kitten~" he murmured and closed his eyes, you seized this opportunity to take his length in your mouth, he quickly sat up propped by his elbows and popped his eyes open. It felt weird to have him in your mouth but it seemed like he enjoyed it so you continued. Tracing up his length with the tip of your tongue you stared at him, "Tell me demon of mine, could Beast make you feel this good? Hmm?" your sudden dominance was sending him over the edge you could feel him twitching as you slid your mouth back over him. He grabbed the sheets with one hand, "N-no darling."

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