His Butler, Presenting

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Several weeks had passed, Sebastian has been overly kind to you. As kind to you as... Oh that's right you don't know exactly what you two are, kind of awkward but you didn't want to ask.

"S- Sebastian mm~" his fingers entangled yours, your iron clad grip did nothing to stop him from delving deeper into you, if anything it encouraged him. Made him want to drag your sinful noises from your throat, your nails clawing at his back giving you a hard earned groan from him. What music to your ears, finally deflowered, Sebastian was slowly losing control with you underneath him, wanting to ravage you like a beast yet handle your body, mind, and soul with such delicacy. He truly did savour you, lapped up every sound, every expression as if it breathed life into him. Your breath becoming more shallow than the last with each stroke he took, whines and curses spewed from your mouth forcing him to release your neck from his lips and chuckle darkly into your ear. What animalistic yet gentlemanly behaviour, he knows what he's doing to you. Your hot body burning against his cold one, sweat and saliva joined the fray making you crave him more. He delved even deeper releasing his load in you making you jump up in cold sweat. "It was only a dream," you panted. Rather a nightmarish memory, you haven't bled for over a month and it was making you anxious. Now it was infesting everything you loved about that night, making you overthink everything. It would be just simpler to ask. Looking over at the clock in your room you saw it was 6 in the morning. Sitting up you decided to pay him a visit, slipping your shoes on you took your time down the stairs enjoying the cold silence of the manor. Entering his room you saw him sitting at his desk, scribbling away at some sort of paperwork. "It is the height of rudeness not to knock before you enter someone's personal quarters."

Draping your arms over his shoulders while he worked you put your chin on his soft black hair, "I know."

"What are you doing up so early?" As you struggled to find words he straightened up after a while and sighed, "Alright spit it out."

"Quite rude to talk to yo- uh, me like that." He turned around to face you and dragged you to sit on his lap, lacing his fingers around your waist. "I'd rather get it out of you honestly than using other means to obtain information from you." True, you'd prefer that. "W- what exactly are we?" He stopped staring at you to think for a moment, as if trying to pick his words carefully he spoke slowly. "Well... we're not exactly engaged, and we're not married by human tradition. But I have marked you meaning you'll stay with me forever so in a non-demonic term we are married." He looked up at you with a closed eye smile and you felt the urge to flick him, oh how you hated that smile. "And by law all married female servants have to leave service but since our "marriage" isn't exactly of this world you don't have to go anywhere nor do I think the young lord would care anyway. Now what else is troubling your mind?" He has picked up a few things while being with you for a while. Sebastian isn't all brawn, he has brains too. "Um," you whispered softly, too embarrassed to talk about what occurred the other night, "Remember when we.. you know and you know..." He laughed at your attempt to explain. "No, I confess I don't know what you're referring to."

"Yes you do, else you wouldn't be laughing!!" you whined and playfully hit him just making him chuckle. "No, my dear Y/n you won't get pregnant. You are human and I am a demon, my spawn wouldn't be able to develop in you. Something so evil can't be produced by something so pure, no matter the circumstances."

"I thought humans were the scum of the earth?" you teased.

"Well see, you are the exception to my judgement," he kissed your cheek unwrapping his hands from your waist. "The sun is rising, go get ready we have a very special guest coming tonight." Groaning you got off of his lap and he stood up to accompany you. "What's the point if you're going to kill them?"

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