His Butler, Burial

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Today was the day.

You couldn't believe it, there would be a funeral for him, the one you had never thought you would have to bury. It was a pain to get up, even though you were doubtful about Sebastian being dead, you will have to face reality sooner or later. Finding a better black dress for mourning you put it on and took a laced hat, flattened your hair and put it on pulling the lace down to cover half of your face. A single rose that he gave you the night he gave you your ring sat in your lap as you remembered the way he danced with you at Druitt's soiree. You shook tears out of your eyes, no, you won't cry that's confirming he's dead.

Mey-rin came knocking on your door. "Y/n we need to go now." She had a similar black dress and a normal hat on without the lace, her hair was down and it was obvious she had been crying. Getting up to walk with her out the door you stuffed your rose under your throw over and you went to the church with everyone. 


How ironic to have his funeral at a church considering he was a demon. The service was small and went smoothly, now came time to actually put him in the ground. You were becoming anxious, twisting the ring around your finger and walking out with Mey-rin at your side was scaring you. This was the hard part, arriving at the hole in the ground that was already dug by the Undertaker they lowered him without mercy. Every foot he went down wrenched your gut like a hand wringing a washrag, Undertaker threw dirt over the coffin until it was fully covered...and the young Master put lilies on his grave. The headstone read, "May you be in heaven an hour before the devil knows you're dead." You were almost tempted to laugh, how ironic.

"Ciel! He promised he'd stay with you forever. How dare Sebastian lie like that, how dare he! How dare he!" Lady Elizabeth was a total mess with tears running down her flushed face but not as much as Mey-rin and Finny. They were hysterical Mey-rin had her glasses off rubbing her red eyes while Finny bawled out completely. You, Bard, Tanaka, Undertaker, and the young master were the only ones not crying. The young master turned and started walking away from the grave with Lady Elizabeth and Prince Soma at his side. You approached the grave and you took a deep breath and sighed. "Wake up wake up wake up," you whispered hoarsely through your veil. Tears were threatening to spill and grow flowers of their own on his grave. You grabbed your rose from under your throw over and held it close. "I really... thought I wouldn't need this but- "


You couldn't believe it, the grave bell was ringing.

'He's alive'

A single tear rolled down your cheek, your mouth was open in shock.

"Let's get him out of there," you moved out of the way and joined the young master and the Undertaker at the side of his gravestone. They dug him up speedily and opened the coffin. A hand came out throwing up some of the lilies that were buried with him, everyone gasped as Sebastian sat up. His velvety voice was like music to your ears, "It was getting quite cramped inside that box. I assume you're all- oh." Everyone jumped on him trying to give him a hug, dropping their tears and snot on him they accidentally gave him a small bruise on his head. "Everyone please collect yourself." 

 "As long as I've been at this job I've never seen one of those ring before, lucky we made that a safety coffin my lord." said the Undertaker leaning on his shovel. "Yes, we did indeed." They both had smug looks on their faces. "Permission to permanently put him in a grave sir?" you too had a smug look on your face, after all the emotions you went through you were going to make him want to end his cursed eternity. "It's a miracle! Thank you oh Gods" cried Agni.

After all the relieved crying Sebastian was allowed to get up, his face quite disgustingly wet the young master gave him a handkerchief to clean up. Tanaka came to give Sebastian back his pin, "A butler dying before his master? How unforgivable" he laughed a walked off towards the small crowd of now cheerful people. The young lord turned towards him, "Tanaka has the right of it Sebastian, from now on you are once again my butler." Sebastian kneeled in front of the young master, "Yes my lord." 

His usual smirk adorned his face, you glowed with relief.  

"Now I believe you have someone to face," the young master smirked and turned on his heels while Sebastian turned to you he gave you a closed eye smile.

"My dear I-" you smacked his face without mercy, just to make a point. His eyes turned fuchsia and you walked off, "Such a prideful little creature."

His arm snaked around your waist and he drew you back in as he leaned down. Paying him no mind you looked straight ahead to see that they were almost out of the cemetery. Feeling his breath on your neck gave you goosebumps, "I'll make it up to you," he cooed in your ear. Finally looking at him you glared and gave him a fleeting kiss on his cheek he released you, "You have no choice Jeremy."

Walking off to the carriages he corrected Lady Elizabeth that he never lies.

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