Rumors {15}

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You were walking with Tsukishima during you lunch break. The two of you were having random small talk when a classmate of yours ran up to you. "Oh, hi Hana! What can I help you with?" You ask her with a smile. "Uhh sorry to bother you (Y/N) but I have a question that everyone has been dying to ask if it was true." She responds blankly. "Oh uh alright then. What is it?" You respond.

She nods and looks you in the eyes. "So there's a rumor going around," a rumor? You thought to yourself. "That you like slept with the entire boys volleyball club." She finishes. Your eyes widened and your jaw dropped a bit. You couldn't speak.

"Who the hell told you that?" The boy that you forgot was next to you interjected. "I'm not sure, I heard it from another student and she heard it from someone else." Hana responded. "So? Is it true?" She asks, still pushing the subject. "No it's not fucking true, go away." Tsukishima spat.

You still stood there frozen. Does everyone know about this rumor?? You thought to yourself. You looked up from the ground to see everyone in the hallways looking at you and whispering. Your eyes began to feel hot and salty tears spilled down your cheeks.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Tsukishima asked you. "I-I need to go I'm sorry." You abruptly announced and dashed down the hallway before he could respond. You didn't want anyone else to see your tears so you made your way to the bathroom.

You ran into the stall farthest from the door. You broke down, hand covering your mouth to muffle your sobs. Who would do something like this? You asked yourself as you continued to cry.

You checked the time and realized lunch break was almost over, and class was about to start. You gained your composure, wiped your tears, grabbed your stuff and walked out of the stall.

"Look guys, if it isn't the little volleyball slut." A girl laughed along with her friends. You looked up to be met with the face of none other than Niko of course. "I don't know why your so upset (Y/N), your just being what you are best, a whore." She says walking up to you. "Niko are you the one who's spreading this false information?" You ask your voice raspy from crying.

"Oh, it's not a rumor we have evidence." She turned to her friend grabbing a phone, putting in the passcode to unlock it. "See." She says with a smirk while holding the phone up to your face.

She showed a picture of you with Tsukishima in the nurses office when you guys kissed. "W-what?" You gasped. "How did you get that?" You ask while trying to grab the phone. Niko continues to keep the phone from you while her two friends she brought, grab your arms and hold you back.

"You should be surprised (Y/N), I told you that if things didn't go my way, you would suffer." She laughs. Niko walks up to you and whispers. "You're getting everything you deserve, sis." She lets out a chuckle before bringing her fist back and making impact with your stomach. "Come in let's go." Niko says. Her friends let go of you, causing you to collapse to the floor you grip your stomach to ease the pain.

Before Niko leave the bathroom she pulls out her phone. She wordlessly opens her camera and takes a picture of your vulnerable state. Her and her friends quietly laugh at you and exits the restroom.

You sat there quietly sobbing, clutching your stomach. You felt so weak, so stupid. You heard the bell ring but you couldn't bring yourself to move. A few seconds later you heard footsteps increase. Someone entered the bathroom and you slowly looked up.

"(Y-Y/N)! What happened?!" Yachi asked as she ran to your side. You just shook your head as more tears made their way to your eyes. "I can't do this yachi." You cried. She brought you into as hug and you just cried into her shoulder. "Is it about the rumors?" She asked softly as she rubbed circles around your back. You nodded and looked at her.

You slowly stood up and yachi helped you. You tried to stand up straight but just yelped. Fuck, she punched pretty hard. "Yachi I'm sorry I don't want you to get in trouble, I'll be okay." You assure wincing a little at the sharp pain in your stomach. "(Y/N), it's no trouble at all," she said softly. "Plus, you can barely stand by yourself anyway." The comment receiving a chuckle from you.

Yachi helped you out of the bathroom and you guys made your way to the nurses office. Once you arrived you thanked yachi and she made her way back to her class. You explained to the nurse what happened and she checked out your stomach.

"Well there's definitely a bruise, she hit you pretty hard." The nurse tells you. You trusted the nurse because she was a good friend of your mom's. "Do you want me to talk to your mom about this?" She asks while grabbing you and ice pack. "No please don't, I'll figure it out." You respond. She handed you the ice pack. "Okay I have to drop the files at the front office, will you be okay by yourself?" She asks you and you just nod.

You held the ice pack under your shirt that had a few buttons undone for easier access. After a few more minutes most of the ice melted and you threw the bag away.

When you got up you noticed a figure walk in the office towards you. "Kei?" You ask with a coarse voice. He didn't say anything, he just walked up and wrapped his arms around you. You returned the hug with little hesitation. The action caused your emotions to flow back in and soon enough tears were streaming down your face. Your small whimpers are all the could be heard in the room.

He pulled away and grabbed your hand, leading you to the bed in the office. You sat on top of it and he softly let go of your hand to cup your cheeks. "I'm sorry." He whispers and you look at him in confusion. "What are you sorry for? You didn't do anything wrong." You tell him. "I should've followed you or not left you alone at all." He explains as he wipes your tears. "Kei, please none of this is your fault, don't blame your self." You reassure him pulling him into a hug.

He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you close. He hugs you a little to right and you let out a small Yelp of pain. "What? What's wrong?" He asks pulling away, worry lacing his voice. "N-nothing sorry." You say as you grab your stomach again. He looked at you confused as to why you were pulling away. He noticed your arms around your stomach and reached to pull them away.

"Holy shit (Y/N)." He said his eyes were wide at the massive bruise on your lower stomach. "Okay okay I get it stop staring." You say feeling insecure. "What the fuck happened?" He asked starting to get upset. "Kei calm the fuck down first of all, and second of all I'll tell you, just chill." You command.

I don't feel like explaining what happened again so I'm sorry NRKSJ

"That bitch." Tsukishima whispered after you finished explaining what happened. He turned away from you about to leave the office before you stopped him. "Where the hell are you going?" You asked him. "I'm going to find that bitch and put her in her place again." He responded harshly. "Kei can you please just stay here, please." You begged him. He gave in and came to sit next to you on the bed.

After a few minutes of silence you spoke up. "Uh Kei?" "Yeah?" He responded. "Do you believe what they said? Or like do you think I'm  a slut or something." You ask softly. He couldn't believe you were doubting yourself like this or that you thought he could ever see you that way.

"(Y/N) (L/N) look at me right now." He said in a stern voice. He grabs your chin softly, forcing you to look him in the eyes. His heart shattered seeing you like this. Your eyes were puffy and read, some mascara was running down your cheeks, and you looked so defeated.

"Of course I don't believe anything she said nor would I ever think of you as a slut or whatever your thinking. I know I don't show it but I do care about you, and I have since the moment I met you. You were there when everything went down with my brother and I changed. You are the first person I have ever felt like this towards and I'm not going to let some jealous bitch ruin it. You are so amazing please do not start doubting yourself because of a rumor that we all know isn't true, okay?"

You couldn't do anything but hug the boy next to you. You got so in the moment you grabbed his face, brought him down to your level and planted a kiss on his lips. After you guys kissed he hugged you.

"Damn why are we always kissing in the nurses office." You say with a laugh. "Shut up shortie." He laughed with you as you guys walked back to class.

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