Feelings {5}

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A/N: Hey I am so sorry for not updating sooner school has just been insane and I hadn't had much time! (Also been freaking our because Ariana Grande is releasing her album this month so I AM SO EXCITED) anyways not important... Also, THANK YOU FOR 100 READS I LOVE YOU! okay enough let's go.

(also if you have any recommendations, feedback, requests, etc. message me ore comment thank youuuu)


"ughhh." You let out a low groan and rub your temples as you make your way to class. 

You had woken up late again today so you were in a hurry to get ready. When you went downstairs to walk to school with Niko but she was nowhere to be seen. 'That's on her'  You thought to yourself as you walked out of your house to school.

Turning into your classroom you saw something that caused you to almost dropped your bag. Across the classroom was Tsukishima and your step-sister talking together, you even saw a small smirk on Tsukishima's face. Tsukishima was sitting at his desk, facing Niko and the girl was sitting behind him at YOUR desk. You felt annoyed, you didn't like the sight before you.  You shook your head and walked over to your seat.

"Move." You said flatly to Niko. "Geez (Y/N) no need to be a bitch, we were just talking." She replied smirking, slowly getting up from your seat. "About what may I ask?" You say slightly irritated. "Dinosaurs." Niko replied moving back to her seat. 

At this point, Tsukishima had already turned around and put his headphones on. You scoff and turn to Yamaguchi.

"Sorry for being so rude Yams, good morning!" You say to the boy smiling sweetly. "No, that's totally fine (Y/N)! Is everything okay though? You seem kinda y-you know umm, on edge I guess." He says nervously, avoiding eye contact. "Yes I'm okay, just woke up late again." You reply and turn toward your teacher as she started today's lesson. 

Class was rather boring, being one of the top in your class, missing a few notes wouldn't affect you. The entire time you were daydreaming about random things but, your mind kept going back to one image. Tsukishima smiling at something Niko said. You couldn't help but feel uneasy remembering the event. You couldn't help but wonder why everyone liked Niko so much. Yeah, she's gorgeous but other than that what is there. Oh, that's right, her fake personality. She sure is a bitch but is amazing at putting on a mask when she needs to. You begin to doodle on your notes for the rest of the class...


The bell for lunch finally rang and everyone began to pack up to meet their friends. 

"Sorry guys, I have to go help a teacher during lunch so I will catch you later!" Yamaguchi said walking away waving. "Yeah, I can't join either, sorry! Hopefully, we pick up that conversation about Concavenator dinosaurs later." (I know literally nothing bout dinosaurs so this is off google I'm sorry) Niko says walking away smiling at Tsukishima and giving you a glare. You scoff and walk back into the classroom to eat your lunch the blonde following behind.

"Looks like it's just us then." You say sitting down in your seat. Tsukishima just nodded to what you said and pulled out his lunch. You did the same but as you were reaching for yours your phone chimed.

1 New Message, Swipe to unlock.

Niko: By the way, Your sweater is inside out, just thought you should know before you embarrass yourself anymore.

You look down and your uniform sweater was in fact inside out. You must've not been paying attention this morning while you were in a rush.

"Oh my god, I hate that bitch." You groan catching the attention of Tsukishima. "I am assuming you are talking about your step-sister? Also, your sweater is inside out dumbass." He says. "Yeah, I got that now," You reply rolling your eyes "And yeah, I'm talking about her." You continued. "I don't really get what you have against her, it's kinda stupid actually." Your eyes widened at what he said to you. "I mean she seems kinda nice, pretty annoying but, sorta decent." You were speechless, what did he see in her, why did he saying this hurt so much? "What do you like her or something?" You say, the sharpness in your tone not going unnoticed. "And what if I did?" He asked smirking, looking into your eyes.

"W-whatever." You stutter breaking, eye contact. What Tsukishima couldn't see was your heart clenching and the grip on the end of your skirt tightening. You quickly finished your lunch and dismissed yourself to your bathroom 'to fix your sweater'. 

You ran to the bathroom and did your best to stop the tears filling your eyes from spilling over. What you couldn't understand is why you were crying? Why were you so upset about what Tsukishima had just said? You fixed your sweater and decided not to go back to class and go to the roof to think. 

Tsukishima POV:

I really couldn't understand why (Y/N) hated Suzuki so much. She was rather annoying, then again most girls are, but she was pretty chill I guess. This morning was especially different, (Y/N) was so cold to her sister even though she called (Y/N) a bitch but still. I don't know, women are difficult. 

Today at lunch (Y/N) seemed different. She tensed up at the mention of Suzuki and she was weirder than usual.

"What do you like her or something?" She asked me. Her tone was so sharp, she was clearly upset but I couldn't understand why. 

"And what if I did?" I ask smirking, maintaining eye contact. This is how we always act together, I tease the hell out of her and she comes back with some shitty comment. But today she was not having it. 

"W-whatever." She said finishing her lunch and leaving to fix her sweater. She thinks I'm stupid or something, I have known her since middle school, I can tell when she is upset and she definitely is right now.

Seeing her like this made me feel weird. Why was I feeling bad? Why did I want to go check on her? I tried shaking these feelings away but they wouldn't go away. He then realizes this is the same thing he felt last night in bed thinking about how mad you were "What the hell?" I whisper to myself, frustrated. 

I did my best to dismiss my emotions and put on my headphones to drown out these feelings or something? I don't know. I don't understand what is going on inside of me but I don't think I like it...


Word count: 1115

Sorry for the short chapter it's 12 AM and I have school tomorrow... Anyways sorry if this was kinda OOC for Tsukishima I did my best but it was a little hard (Also I didn't proofread so sorry for any errors as usual). But I am going to try to become more consistent with my updating like every 2 days or so hopefully (I can't make any promises though :0)

Anyways stay safe you guys ily <3


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