I'm back {25}

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"Ma'am." You felt someone lightly shaking your shoulder, causing your eyes to flutter open. "We have landed, you may grab your belongings and exit the plane." The flight attendant said with a smile. You stretched your arms, rubbed your eyes, and stood up from your seat to grab your carry on luggage.

"Thank you," You said softly to the flight attendant as you made your way off the airplane. Your mom was coming to pick you up from the airport and bring you back to your childhood home. She said she would meet you by baggage pick up so you made your way to that area.

A small smile was shown on your face as excitement bubbled within you. You hadn't seen your mom in a year and a half but here you were, finally seeing her again.

You felt a soft vibration in your pocket. You reached and grabbed the source of the buzzing which was your phone. You looked at the screen and saw your mom was calling you. Your thumb pressed the green answer button and you brought the phone to your ear.

"Hey, mom." You greeted the woman. "Hey sweetie, did you get off the plane okay? Where are you?" She questions with a bit of worry in her tone. "Yeah, I am headed over to luggage right now. I fell asleep on the plane so I was the last one to get off." You explain to which your mom replies with an 'Oh'. "Okay I'll see you soon then, I love you bye." With that, your mom hung up the phone before you could even reply.

You continued to make your way through the airport. You were looking around at the familiar shops you saw the last time you were here, but that time you were leaving your home. This time though, you were back home and ready for all the new opportunities for your last year of high school.

"(Y/N)!" You heard a familiar feminine voice call out. Your head jerked around as your eyes tried to find the person called out to you. A smile made its way to your lips when you finally spotted the woman. "Mom!" You jogged towards your mother and engulfed her in a hug.

"I missed you much!" You state enthusiastically as you squeezed her tighter. "I missed you too," she replied and pulled away from the hug to examine you. "Wow, you look so different!" She gasped causing you to feel a bit embarrassed. "Different in a bad way?" You ask nervously. "No of course not!" Your mom reassured. "You just matured, you don't look like the same little freshman like when you left. You look beautiful!" She gawked and pushed a few loose strands of your hair behind your ears.

"Thank you, mom." You smile at her compliments. "Well we better get heading home, it's getting late and you have to go back to school tomorrow." She remembered. "We have to pick your uniform up on the way back home, if that's okay with you?" You nod and began to walk with your mom out of the airport to finally get back to your old life.

Once you made it to the car, you put all of your belongings into your mom's car and got into the passenger seat. The both of you sat in a nice silence as some music on the radio played as background noise. You stared outside of the window as you took in all of the scenery you missed over the last year and a half.

It was rather late in the day, the sun had started setting behind the horizon. The sky was filled with different hues of red, purple, pink, and orange. You smiled at the beautiful sight before you, not have a care for anything at that moment.

"So, how was America?" Your mom asked, breaking the silence in the vehicle. "It was fine, it was a little strange at first but I got used to it," You explain. "But, it never really felt like home so I guess that's why I am so excited to come back." You looked out the front window as you talked and your mom just listened as she drove.

"Are you excited to see your old friends?" She asked and you tensed up a bit. "Of course I am, I've missed Yamaguchi, Yachi, and the other so much." You chuckle awkwardly, intentionally avoiding the mentions of a certain boy. "Ah, I see." She responds.

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