The Past {6}

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"Shit." You mutter to yourself. Lunch had ended and you made your way back to your class after you had your little breakdown. Coming back you were reminded about the math test you didn't study for. Ever since Niko arrived you had been so stressed, studying hadn't even crossed your mind.

You let out a groan as your teacher began passing around the test.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" Yamaguchi asks you. You turn so that you are facing him. "Probably not. I completely forgot about this test and I had no time to study." You reply as you rested your chin on your palm.

 "I thought you didn't have to worry about studying since you're so smart." Niko says with a chuckle joining into your conversation. "Shut up Niko. God, why are you always in my business? Just bud out." You spat. "Ya know, munchkin, she's not wrong. Since when did you care about studying?" Tsukishima asked turned around in his seat facing you. You shot him a glare and looked down at the paper your teacher just handed you.

You couldn't focus on your test at all. Why the hell is he always agreeing with her? You shook your thoughts before you got too frustrated. You could understand some concepts but others you could barely understand so you circled random answers. 

About 10 minutes into your test you felt someone poke your back. You turn around and see Niko smiling at you sheepishly. You just roll your eyes and faced forward again. Not even a minute passes by and she pokes you again. You decide to ignore it and continue with your test. You feel another poke but this time a tug at your hair as well. At this point, you were doing everything in your power not to wheel around and slap your "sister".

She pulls your hair again. You knew she was smirking and enjoying pissing you off. You decided that's enough.

"Can you not?! Seriously Niko what the hell do you want?!" You shout grabbing the attention of everyone in the class. "(Y/N)! There is no need to yell, people are taking tests!" Your teacher yells at you. Realizing what you've done a wave of embarrassment comes over you and you run out of your classroom. 'How could I be so stupid?!' 'Why does she always have to ruin everything...' you think to yourself as you continue to run deciding to go to the roof. Tears were threatening to leave your eyes but you made it to the roof before they could.

Once you reached your destination you found yourself alone on the roof since everyone else was still in class. You collapse on your knees and begin to cry. You were so fed up with everything, Niko tormenting you, Niko causing you to have an embarrassing outburst, and worst of all Tsukishima laughing at Niko's stupid jokes. 

Everything is all Niko's fault.

You stop crying and pull your knees to your chest and hug them.

Tsukishima POV:

It all happened so fast. 

I was finishing my test and the next thing I know (Y/N) is shouting at Suzuki. Everyone turned to her and the teacher yelled at her for her outburst. She kept a straight face but I could tell she instantly regretted what she had done. 

Less than a second later she sprints out of the classroom leaving all of her things next to her desk. 

"Has anyone finished their test yet?" My teacher asks, rubbing her forehead. I am the only one who slightly raised my hand. 'seriously? we've been taking this test for 20 minutes and no one else is done?' I think to myself.

"Ah, Tsukishima, would you mind looking for (Y/N) please?" The teacher asks. I nod and walk out of the class.

I walked around for probably 7 minutes looking for her. 'Shit (Y/N), where the hell did you go?' I think to myself and remember the check the one place I hadn't gone yet. The roof. 

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