Sleepover {13}

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You fell down to the floor and you started to sob out loud. "(Y/N)!" Tsukishima gasped dripping down to your level and engulfing you in a hug. "(Y/N) please look at me." He said in a stern voice. You listened and raised your head to look him in the eyes. He cupped your face and wiped the tears from your cheeks. "K-kei" You stutter. "Shhh it's okay. Did he hurt you at all?" He ask with worry in his voice. You shook your head no and slowly stood up. "Do you wanna come back to my house so we can get you cleaned up?" He ask and all you could do was nod.

You guys walked in silence while Tsukishima had his arm wrapped around you protectively.

Once you made it to his house you both went up to his room and began to talk. "Where's Niko?" You asked breaking the silence. "Oh uh I don't know probably after I went after you." He responded coming to sit next to you. "Why was she here?" You ask with your voice cracking. "It was raining a lot and you guys live like 30 minutes away I didn't want her to get sick." He explained. "I promise nothing happened, I wouldn't do that to you (Y/N)."

You stared at the floor feeling guilty, you put him through all of this because you misunderstood the situation.

"I'm sorry." You mutter. "Why are you apologizing?" He asks. "I caused all of this extra drama because my emotions got the best of me and then I made you come after me and-" you were cut off by the boy next to grabbing your chin and making you face him. "Idiot, this isn't your fault and you didn't make me come after you, I came on my own because i..." he paused. "You what?"

"I like you (Y/N)." He responded. Your eyes widened at what he said. "I don't expect you to feel the same or anyth-" He was cut off by a pair of warm lips on his. After a few seconds you pulled away. "Are you dumb? Of course I feel the same you idiot." You laughed. "Do you have to ruin every moment dumbass?" He asks.

You decided to spend the night at Tsukishima's house. You texted your mom explaining everything that happened today and she trusted tsukishima so she was okay with it.

"Here." Tsukishima said blankly, handing you a pair of his shorts and a shirt. "What's this?" You ask. "Do you want to sleep in your damp clothes and catch a cold like an idiot?" He asked sarcastically. "Shut the hell up you lamp post." You respond taking the clothes with you to the bathroom to change.

You put on the clothes, which were huge on you, and then walked back to his room. "Oh my god those are huge on you." He laughs. "What do expect your like 10 feet tall." You retort. "No you're just short as hell." He says grabbing a blanket from the closet. "Okay let me know if you need anything." He says walking out of the room. "Wait where are you going?" You ask confused. "I'm sleeping downstairs you can use my bed because I'm nice." He rolls his eyes. "No wait, can you maybe sleep with me in the bed?" You ask, a red blush painting itself across your cheeks. "Are you sure?" Tsukishima asks and you just nod.

You both make your way back to his bed and lay down. It was a little awkward at first but then you both got comfortable and snuggled up together. His arms were rested around your waist and his head was in the crook of your neck with his breath tickling your skin. You were lightly combing your fingers through his hair as you thought about everything that happened today.

"Thank you." You whisper to the boy. "For what?" He asks. "Finding me and especially saving me from that perv, I'm surprised you card enough to do something like that." You chuckle and he looks up at you. "Of course I would save you shortie, I would never let anyone hurt you and of course I care." He responds with a serious tone. "Well then I'm glad to know you care kei." You say with a smile. "You called me by my first name again." He points out. "Do you want me to stop?" You ask. "No I like it." He responds snuggling into your neck again.

After a few minutes of silence Tsukishima finally broke it. "What are we?" He asks. "Hmm" you began to think not knowing what you wanted. "I dunno what do you wanna be?" You reply. "Not sure, all I know is I have feelings for you and I don't know what to do about them." He explains and you just hum in agreement. "Goodnight shortie." He whispers. "Goodnight lamp post." You say back and slowly drift to bed with your crush in your arms.

First double update omggg

Tysm for 500 reads I'm so grateful :) Idek how much longer I'm going to make this story since it's my first fanfic I kinda want it to be short/not too long but I'm not sure yet!

Anywayyy ily bye


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