Late {3}

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Quick A/N: Okay so I really wanna write but I kinda have writer's block which is annoying sooooo, I am just gonna do my best with this chapter! Okay, thank you let's go :)



 You groan as you remove your hand from your alarm clock. "Geez, what time is it?" You ask in a zombie-like voice before checking your clock.

[7:45 AM]  

"SHIT!" You exclaim jumping out of bed. You woke up late... again. You had to be out the door on your way to school by 8 and had only 15 minutes to get ready. 

You scrambled around your room struggling to find each piece of your uniform. You had your entire uniform on but, you were missing your left sock. 

"Where the hell could it have gone?!" You shout, annoyed as hell as you tore your room apart to find this damn sock. You rushed downstairs, with no time to do your hair, looking for the sock. As you stumbled down the stairs you saw her. Niko was sitting in the living room, with her long black hair straigtend nicely, her eyelashes curled, and a clear lipgloss lightly coating her pink lips. One hand was should her phone, while the other was holding, you guessed it, the sock.

"Looking for this?" She asked smirking at you. 

At this point you were pissed. So pissed you could feel steam coming out of your ears. First, last night, Niko intrudes your room and threatens you before you sleep, THEN you wake up super late, on top of that you look like you were just attacked by a pack of wolves. 

You stomped over to the black-haired girl, grabbed the sock and slid it on your foot, all while glaring at her. 

"Let's. Go." You say in a very low and stern voice. Niko only laughs to herself at how clearly mad you are and follows behind.

As soon as you got out the door you popped in your headphones and listened to music to try and tune out the annoying black-haired girl next to you.

Short timeskip

A few minutes away from school, Niko breaks the silence between you two by pulling out own of your earphones. 

"You know (Y/N)-chan," She begins. "if I am being honest you look really bad today. " Your eyes widened at how blunt she was. 

"Seriously, did you even bother with your hair? No wonder you don't have a boyfriend." She chuckled to herself and continued walking in the direction of this school.

"H-hey, how would you know if I had a boyfriend or not?" you ask with a slight red hue laying on your cheeks. 

"Well do you?" Niko asked you.

"N-no." You say staring at the ground avoiding her gaze. 

"That's what I thought. Just saying it's kind of embarrassing being around you when you like that (Y/N)." Niko sighed. "Shut the hell up Niko. No one asked for your damn opinion." I retorted as we entered the front gates. 

As you guys walked through the halls to get to your class, you received many stares from your classmates. Many people whispered things like "Who is that with (Y/N)-chan?" and "Is she knew? She's gorgeous." This annoyed you because you hated the overwhelming number of eyes on you

You and Niko ended up in the same class so once you both entered the class you received more stares. 

Yamaguchi and Tsukishima were already In the classroom at their desks.

"Sit here." You say coldly to your step sister as she sits in the seat behind you and next to yamaguchi. 

"Are you always this rude to new students (Y/N)?" Niko asks with a smirk spread across her face. "Shut up and just sit in the damn chair, I don't need anymore shit from you this morning." You say clearly annoyed while Niko on the other hand, was satisfied with your reaction.

You and Niko arguing caught the attention of Yamaguchi. "Hey, (Y/N) who is this?" The boy asks smiling. "Oh, her? this is-" you begin but get cut off. "Suzuki Niko, Nice to meet you!" Niko replies holding her hand out to shake Yamaguchi's. "Nice to meet you Suzuki-chan, I'm Yamaguchi Tadashi!" He says returning her handshake. "And this is Tsukishima Kei." Yamaguchi says nudging Tsukishima to turn around. 

"Oi, why are u pushing me?" He asks bothered. "Nice to meet you Tsukishima-kun!" Niko says in a (fake) enthusiastic tone. "Yeah whatever." He replies turning to you.

Your head was down, nuzzled into your arms on your desk. "Shortie, you look terrible today," Tsukishima says. "Did you even bother with your appearance this morning? Look at your hair." He chuckles. "That's what I've been telling her all morning." your step sister says, agreeing ith the blonde. "(Y/N) I don't know why you think you can get any friends, especially a boyfriend looking like that." She laughs and pokes your back with a pencil.

At this point you were furious. You slowly raised your head and faced the middle blocker and your step sister.

"Ok," You began trying to keep your composure. "Can you two please shut the hell up?! You can clearly see I am not having a good day so listen here! Tsukishima you need to learn a thing or two about when to cool it with your damn teasing!" You shouted at the male and proceeded to turn to Niko. "And Niko just because you're my step-sister doesn't give you ANY right to walk into my school and try and Humiliate me!" At this point the whole class was staring at you and watching your outburst.

"Now please, I would like to get through the day without any more shit from you 2 so maybe just SHUT UP!" you finished your little speech and turned towards the front of the class justready for this day to be over. 

"Geez (Y/N) I was just teasing no need to be a bitch about it." Niko mumbled. "Heard that." You snapped still facing the front of the class.

Tsukishima on the other hand just sat next to you wide eyed at your reaction to his teasing. You had never reacted like this, he would never admit it but he was truly shocked.


Finally it was the end of the day, classes were over, you had double the amount of homework since you didn't finish the assignment from the night before. 

Niko had already made a few friends, being the gorgeous, and talkative person she is that wasn't hard.

"Eh, Niko-chan let's go already!" You shouted at her from across the classroom waiting with Yamaguchi and Tsukishima. "Go awa (Y/N)-chan I am hanging out with them after school." She pointed to a girl with short red hair and green eyes standing next to a brunette with blue eyes. 

"Whatever let's go." You say heading towards the gym with your friends.'

"(Y/N), how come you didn't tell us about your step sister?" Yamaguchi asked. "Because there was no reason to. I hate her, she hates me, there's nothing special about her to talk about." Yourespond avoiding his eye contact.

You glance up at Tsukishima, he had his headphones on and he was staring straight ahead. The two of you hadn't talked all day since your outburst and the silence around you felt kind of awkward.

"Hey, string bean!" you say breaking the silence. "Tch. What?" He asked annoyed with the nickname.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier, you're just really annoying ya know?" you explain in a somewhat embarrassed tone.

"Aww shortie, that's so cute." The boy says sarcastically. "Unfortanatley I don't care." he says finishing his sentence. "Asshole, you suck." You retort. He chuckles quietly at how flustered you were. 

Yamaguchi can't help but smile to himself as his bestfriends bicker.


Word count: 1280

A/N: This chapter is all over the place and I wanted to add more but it is already pretty long so I will update ASAP! (also i didn't reread/edit this at all so my apologies for any errors)

Also thank you for 40+ reads I love you so much <3


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