See you soon {22}

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The week went by rather quick and before you knew it, you were moving to America tomorrow. You told the team on Monday about you leaving and as expected, everyone was shocked, sad, and whatever other negative emotion there could've been. You did absolutely everything you could to hold back your tears as you told everyone but, that attempt unfortunately failed.

While it was hard, you all consecutively agreed to make this last week with you special. Everyday after school you guys would walk together to Coach Ukai's store, grab snacks, and talk/joke like you all would always would.

It was all quite bittersweet. You were having so much fun with the people around you but, the reminder you would be leaving this all behind hurt you. Anytime you reminded in your head about leaving, you would become silent and start zoning off into space while you let your thoughts consume you.

It was Friday, you were leaving tomorrow and all your bags at home were packed. Your dad kept trying to assure you that this would be a 'new start' and it would be good for you but, you just ignored what he said. You never wanted this day to end, you wanted to do everything you could to not leave but it was all so useless.

You were moving to America tomorrow with a family that isn't even yours, and there's nothing you could do about it.

"(Y/N)!" You heard someone shout and you snapped out of your thoughts. "Are you good?" Nishinoya asked. "Yeah uh I'm fine." You said forcing a smile. "Let's just go get some meat buns." You suggest and everyone smiles in agreement.

The air tonight was a bit more tense since everyone knew today was your last day. In school you had been on the quieter side. You hadn't answered any questions in class, you barely ate at lunch, and there was no back and fourth bickering between you and Kei.

Speaking of which, Tsukishima looked down at your figure as you continued to walk towards the store. He could tell you were stuck in your thoughts again the way your eyebrows slightly furrowed and you stared off into space. He caught you thinking negatively every single day this week and he was the only one able to comfort you.

"Hey," he called out to you and grabbed your wrist which caused you to stop and look up at him. Yamaguchi noticed you two stop looked behind him at you. "Keep going, we'll catch up." Tsukishima assured. Yamaguchi replied with a smile and nod then turned to to keep walking with the team.

"I know what you're doing right now." He says breaking the silence. "What are you talking about?" You asked. "You know exactly what I'm talking about." He replied pushing your (h/c) out of your face. "You are thinking too much and it's hurting you." He said.

"Well what do you expect me too?" You snap. "Have you forgotten that I'm moving across the world tomorrow? That Im going away for who knows how long? Of course I'm going to be thinking about that shit." Tsukishima was a bit taken back by your sudden outburst. He knew you weren't trying to be mean or anything just that it was all too much for you.

"Wait no, I didn't mean to do that." You say breaking eye contact with the boy in front of you. "I'm not mad at you, none of this is your fault." You groan and held your head in your hands. "This is just all so fucked up, I'm scared, I have to leave you, the team, everyone and I just-" your rant was cut off by Tsukishima pulling you in for a much needed hug.

"Calm down, just cry." He said as he continued to hug you. You unwrap one of your arms that were around them and reach up for your face. You felt hot liquid from your eyes spill onto your cheeks. You were a bit confused because you didn't even realize you were crying. At this point it was too late so you decided to just cry into your boyfriend's shoulder. He held you tight, it was as if he loosened his grip you would disappear.

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