Wait for me {23}

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Kinda major time skip...

"Yeah Mom everything is going well over here." You say into the phone as you put your bag down. "That's good, what did you guys do today?" Your mom asked from the other side of the line. "Aiko (your step mom) took me and Niko out shopping." You reply. "Oh how did that go?" She questioned. "Well Niko constantly tried to embarrass me in front of people but other than that it was fine." You explain with a bit of annoyance in your tone. "Well honey, you're coming home soon so not much longer."

It had been around a year and a half since you left Japan for America. You attended a school with Niko and made a few friends. You live out the rest of your first year and all of your second year in America and now you were finally able to move back home. It took a lot of convincing but after you explained to your dad that you wanted to live out your last years of highschool with your mom.

"Yeah I guess." You sigh. "When are you coming home again?" Your mom asks. "All the flights back were booked up till 2 days before school so like next week." You explain while looking at the clock next to your bed. "Sounds good sweetie, well I have to go (Y/N)! I'll see you soon, I love you." "Love you too mom, bye." You pull the phone away from your ear and press the red 'end call' button.

Over the course of time you were gone, you lost contact with pretty much everyone back in Japan, including Tsukishima. The two of you really tried to keep communication but it was difficult with the different time zones and everything on your plates.

"Maybe I should reach out before I come back." You thought out loud. Deciding to shoot Kei a text, you open his contact. "Text who?" You jumped, causing your phone to fall out of your hand onto the floor.

"Fuck Niko! Stop doing that!" You groan reaching out to grab your phone from the ground. Before you could reach it, the witch in front of you grabbed it and looked at the screen. "Aww (Y/N), you were gonna text your little "boyfriend" that forgot all about ya?" She asked in a sarcastic tone. "Niko give it back." You order.

"Do you really think he still cares about you?" She asks, completely ignoring you. "Have you seen Tsukishima? He is tall, athletic, good in school, and extremely attractive. Do you think he would wait for someone as average and boring as you?" She questions and you stayed silent. "Thats what I thought." Niko laughed. "You're so pathetic (Y/N)."

"No I'm done with this." You finally spoke up. "Niko since our first year- no since we met, you have ruined literally everything. I don't know who or what fucked you up so bad but i don't care anymore. I'm so tired of you thinking that you know everything about me or the people I care about. My relationship is none of your business and yo unwed to control your jealousy." Niko stood there shocked.

"I'll be taking this back," You say, grabbing your phone from her hand. "Get out of my room." She walked out slowly and closed the door behind her.

"I cannot wait to get out of here." You groan and lay down on your back on your bed. A small smile makes its way on your face as you realize it would only be you leaving. As much as Niko wanted to follow you back to Japan to hurt you some more, her mom refused to let her leave again.

While it did not seem like it, Nikos's words did get to you. What if she was right? What if Tsukishima did move on and didnt wait like he said he would? You couldn't really blame him, you had been gone for over a year and a half, he had every right to move on. But that thought still hurt you.

You also changed a good amount. Your hair was cut shorter (or grown out longer), you had surprisingly grown a few inches too, and your mind and body had matured (PLEKSJD THATS SO CRINGY IM SORRY).

Even though it was only 8 at night, your thoughts continued to cloud your mind. Slowly but surely, you feel asleep without even changing into more comfortable clothing.

Your dreams were completely filled with images of your old home that you would be going back to. All the memories from being a manager for the Karasuno high boys volleyball club. It all seemed so happy, you really did miss it.

With those good dreams came the bad right after. The thoughts about Tsukishima forgetting you started to cloud the good memories your mind was showing you as you slept. You began to toss and turn as this uncomfortable dream that was slowly turning into a nightmare.

In front of you there stood all of your first year friends including Yachi, Hinata, Kageyama, Yamaguchi, and lastly Tsukishima. They all stared at you with somewhat disgusted faces.

"Now you finally decide to come back?" Yamaguchi scoffs. "At this point you should've just stayed in America." Kageyama laughed as well the others. "I'm sorry, I wanted to come back sooner I swear." You plead with tears in your eyes.

You turned your head to Tsukishima who hadn't said anything yet. "Don't look at me, you're the one who left." He says, clearly irritated. A girl came from behind him and kissed his cheek. "Who is this?" She chuckles. "My ex I told you about." Tsukishima responds blankly. "Oh, I was expecting more." She laughed while wrapping her arms around the tall boy.

"I thought you said you would wait." You cried, tears blurring your vision. "You expected me to wait for you after the almost 2 years? Wow you're much more of an idiot then I remembered." He sighed. "The point is, I don't need you anymore. I have. A girlfriend who is far prettier and much less annoying." With that each one of them slowly disappeared until you were by yourself.

"WAIT!" You shot up from your bed. Tears fell down your cheeks as the dream felt all too real. The fears of your friends and boyfriend resenting you consumed your mind.  "Maybe I shouldn't go back." You thought out loud as you recalled the nightmare you just experienced.

Before your mind could absorb you any further, the screen on your phone lit up.

Kei <3
I miss you.
Read at 1:43 am

(Y/N) <3
I miss you too :)
Sent at 1:45

You smiled to yourself as that message made all your fears, doubts, and dark thoughts washed away.

Word count: 1136

Holy shit this took so long to write-
We are nearing the end of this book </3
Ily all sm ty for all the support (this is trash btw so I'm sorry)


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