Step-sister {2}

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"Oh come on (Y/N), that's no way to greet your sister now is it?" your sister replied with a sarcastic tone.

Suzuki Niko, your step sister. As much as you hate to admit it but she's truly gorgeous. She's a bit taller than you, around 5'6" with a very slim body, and fair skin. She has silky long black hair that is parted down the middle. Niko's eyes are dark brown and eyelashes are very long and curled. Her lips are full with a red-pink tint to them. Everything about her appearance was flawless, if only her personality could be as perfect as her looks.

See now you and Niko hate each other with a passion, you blame her for your father leaving your family. She sees this, how much you hate her and want her out of your life so, in return, she constantly picks on you, meddles in your personal relationships, and does everything she can to make your life hell every chance she gets.

Once you finally calm down after seeing Niko's smug face you pickup your jaw and stomp over to her.

"You're not my sister! Now someone answer my damn question! What the hell is she doing here?!" You ask again with your eyes narrow and voice raised.

"(Y/N), sweetie, I think you should sit down so we can talk." your mother said in a rather soft tone.

You finally take off your shoes and walk over to the living room where everyone else was sitting. You plop down on the floor across from the couch with your arms crossed. "Well can someone please explain what is going on?" You ask.

"Well (Y/N)," Your father began. "Niko's mother has been offered a job in America," he continues hesitantly. "And since she has accepted the job offer, she asked if Niko and I wanted to go with her, to which I accepted. Niko on the other hand, has chosen not to got to America with us and wanted to stay in Tokyo. The issue with that is there is no one she can stay with in Tokyo so," He paused as he saw the realization in your eyes about what he was about to say next. "Niko will be staying here with you and your mother as well as attending Karasuno high as a 1st year along with you." He finishes his statement.

"Hear that (Y/N)-chan?" Niko says stepping into the conversation. "We are going to be living together and going to the same school together, isn't this great?" She laughs and smirks at you before turning to your mother. "I really hope this isn't much of a bother Ms.(L/N), I really wouldn't want to intrude!" Niko exclaims in a very worried tone as she smiles sweetly. "Oh of course no Suzuki-chan you are always welcome here!" your mom replies with a smile. "Please, call me Niko." the girl says in a cheerful voice, which made your blood boil.

Short timeskip:

After about another hour of your mother and father conversing about The plans for Niko living with you, your dad got up gave Niko a hug and giving you a small smile, he left. This hurt you. You couldn't understand it. You were his REAL daughter, she wasn't. So how come he never showed any care for you? Why didn't he put any effort? Your cheeks flushed bright red and you felt your eyes fill with salty tears. Your mom glanced over at you and saw how upset you were.

"Here Niko," Your mom said breaking the awkward silence. "Let me show you to your room, tomorrow I will help you bring allyour items that you need from your old house over here. Does that sound alright?" your mom asks the girl. "Yes Ma'am that would be perfect thank you so much." She replied following behind your mom.

After a few minutes of sitting on the floor of your living room, processing everything that just happened, tears still streaming down your face because your father is choosing some random woman over you and your mom, you got up and headed to your room.

You changed into your pajamas, just a t-shirt and shorts, brushed through your (H/L) (H/C) and got into bed. After about five minutes of sitting in your bed scrolling through your phone, you heard a knock at your door.

"Come in." You said with a raspy, tired voice. The door swung open and guess who was standing in your doorway. "Niko-chan what do you want?" you asked in a very cold tone.

She walked into your room, observing every inch of it carefully before sitting on the edge of your bed. "Well (Y/N), I just thought I should tell you," She started as I glared at her. "Just because we are living together doesn't mean I have to treat you like my 'sister' or be nice to you. I really REALLY don't like you at all and I don't wanna be here. So, if things don't go my way, I promise you I will make every aspect of your life miserable. Got that?" She asks staring into your eyes.

Suddenly you snap. "What the hell Niko?! What do you think gives you the right, to come into my life where you weren't wanted and try to control MY life to make yours better?! Don't forget it's your moms fault we are even in this mess, having a relationship with a man she knew was involved in a happy marriage!" You could feel your face turning red from my anger. "You think I want you here?! No I hate you just as much as you hate me, so why don't you just get the fuck out of my room and stay the hell away from me?!" You shouted.

"Well if that's what you want, get ready (Y/N) because things are only going to go downhill from here." She threatened getting up from your bed and exiting your room closing the door behind her. At this point all you wanted to do was sleep and forget about all of this so that's what you did.

You snuggled under your covers and stared at the ceiling trying to fall asleep. All you could think about was Niko's threats. You knew she wouldn't hold back, just like you predicted she is going to make your life a living hill like the devil bitch she is. You tried to shake the thought of what she might do.

Suddenly you felt your phone buzz and reached to see who it was:

From Saltyshima: Don't forget to do the math homework again, I am not helping you this time if you forget. Goodnight. *sent at 11:43 PM*

"Shit." You cursed under your breath before dosing off to sleep.


Word count: 1120 (or something again)I also didn't proof read so I am sorry for any errors.

FInished chapter 2! This kinda all over the place but I wanted to introduce your "evil" step-sister to the best of my abilities, I hope you were able to visualize her character a little bit.

I promise you the introduction chapters are all done and I am going to really start getting into Tsukishima and reader-chan's relationship I just want to make sure all parts of my story make sense!

Okay sorry for the long Author Note I'll see you soon with another update

(Thank you for 12 read I know it's not a lot but I am happy okay byeee)

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