Who's that? {19}

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That was it.
The final whistle was blown.
The game was over, they won.

Karasuno won the match against Shiratorizawa.

The entire stadium went silent for a moment, still trying to comprehend what just happened. The silence didn't last long though, seconds later the cheers rang through the stadium. Everyone was so excited karasuno won! There was screams, whistles, claps, and more to celebrate the win.

On the court, the boys looked completely shocked. They were frozen as if time stopped for them. Not long after they all trampled each other into one big group hug, I guess you could call it?? Even Tsukishima was on the floor with the rest of the boys.

On your side, you were over the moon for the team. You seriously couldn't stop tears from coming out of your eyes. These boys did absolutely everything they could, and finally, all of their hard work payed off.

After the cheering died down a bit, the team cleaned up and walked over to the stands. "Thank you for coming and supporting us!" They all shouted while bowing. You giggled at their actions before clapping along with the rest of the crowd.

You made eye contact with Kei and gave him a small wave which he returned along with a playful eye roll.

"That was fucking amazing." You sighed as yachi followed you down to find the others. "I know! They were like... like... so cool!" Yachi squealed. "Okay let's go find them, I assume we will go out to celebrate after this." You say and yachi nods.

Once you guys made your way all the way to the front of the building you waited for the rest of the team. "Do you see them?" You ask looking around. "No I don't- Oh wait! Look they're right there!" She said pointing to the team. You run over to them, tackling Yamaguchi in a hug first.

"I'm so so sooo proud of you guys!" You say while practically choking Yamaguchi. "U-uh thanks (Y/N) but could you get off I kinda can't breathe." Yamaguchi says trying to release himself from your grasp. "Oh shit sorry." You say immediately letting go of him and backing up and everyone just laughs at the interaction.

"Anyways," Coach Ukai says. "Let's go get food to celebrate! And you boys need to replenish your bodies after all the work you put in today." He said while leading everyone out of the stadium.

You let everyone pass by until you were standing next to your boyfriend. He tried to walk past you but, you grabbed his arm, pulling him back to you. He looked at you confused for a second before you pulled him down by his collar. You connected your lips with his and shared a sweet kiss with him. You pulled away from him and stared at him in the eyes.

"Good job today," you smiled. He stood up and just flicked you in the forehead as he began to walk away. "Owwww Kei," you whine. "What was the for?!" "Why did you do all the just to kiss me?" He asks. "I know you don't like PDA dumbass!" You retort and he just laughs at you.

"CAN YOU TWO STOP FLIRTING AND HURRY UP?! WE'RE HUNGRY!" Tanaka shouted from the bus. "YEAH!" Nishinoya agreed. "Shut the hell up we're coming!" You shouted back. "You are all idiots." Tsukishima sighed.

You guys made it onto the bus and sat next to each other, just like you did on the way to the match. You pulled your headphones out of your pocket and wordlessly offered to your boyfriend. He accepted and popped it in his ear. You pressed shuffle on your playlist and the song 'goodnight n go' by Ariana grande started playing. (Pls if you haven't listen to this song, it's so magical and if it's not your style then pick whatever song you want)

You leaned your head on Tsukishima's shoulder and softly hummed along to the song. Towards the end of the song you look up to your boyfriend and smile. "What is it?" He asks looking back at you. "Nothing. I'm just happy." You respond, nuzzling back into his shoulder. The corners of his lips slightly turn up as he looks at you.

Timeskip bc I'm lazy per usual:

"Alright everyone I'm proud of you for today! Now get home and rest, we have practice again on Monday." Coach Ukai announces as everyone makes their way out of the restaurant. The entire team just finished eating together. Everyone laughed, talked about the game highlights, and overall just enjoyed each other's presence.

"Bye kiyoko, bye Yachi!" You say, hugging the two girls. "Are you guys going to get home safely?" You ask them. "Yeah I'm walking home with Yamaguchi." Yachi answers almost immediately. "Oh I see~" you tease. "N-no it's not like t-that!" She stutters, a faint hit of red present on her cheeks. You and kiyoko only laughed at her. "What about you?" You ask, turning to kiyoko. "I live close by, don't worry," she smiles. "Plus, I think you have someone waiting for you." She smirks and forces you in the direction of Tsukishima.

"Ready?" He asks holding out his hand. "What's this? Tsukishima Kei initiating intimate activities in our relationship like hand holding?" You gasp sarcastically. "Nevermind." He says pulling his hand away and shoving it in his jacket pocket. "No no I was kidding please!" You beg but he resists. "No you ruined it for yourself." He replied blankly, walking away from you.

You catch up to him, panting heavily. "Holy fuck you are fast." You say, still gasping for air. "No your just slow, midget." "Shut up you giraffe." You reply.

As you walked, you stared down at your feet until a hand came into your vision. "You get one more chance." Tsukishima says without even looking at you.

Your eyes lit up and you immediately grabbed his hand, intertwining your fingers with his. "Thank you Kei~" You say jokingly. "Ew shut up." He groans.

As the two of you continued your walk home, you threw random questions at each other to fill the silence.

"Hey (Y/N)," Tsukishima calls out, breaking you from your thoughts. "Yeah?" You reply, looking up at him. "Did your mom get a new car or is family staying in town?" He asked. "Uh no, why-" You ask looking in the direction he was. "It might be just me but that looks exactly like-" "my dad's car." You cut him off when you saw the vehicle in your driveway.

"I uh need to go see what that's about." You say, while laughing awkwardly. Tsukishima pulls you into a quick hug before you walk away. "Text me if anything happens." He says softly.

Tsukishima knows all about your relationship with your father. Well he knows that he cheated on your mother and left you. After you told him everything on the rooftop that day at school he wouldn't say it out loud but, he just wanted to be there for you.

You nodded at him and made your way into your house.

Word count: 1194

(I was going to double update but it's almost 1 Am and I'm only halfway done with the next chapter so I'll finish it tmr and publish it)
Lol this is trash but I had fun writing so yoloNDMSNDND
Anyway tysm for 1.6k reads??? Holy shit that's so much I love you all!


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