you did it, so why cant I (tommy + wilbur)

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(so yesterday night at like 2 AM, aka 9 hours ago at the time of writing this, i had this epiphany about shipping ccs. i used to think i knew where i stood with shipping, but now i honestly dont know. so prepare for a long a/n about my new 'opinions' on shipping and my boundaries wit it:

i personally do not ship any of these ships, and will only do them as requests. you may say tho "oh but u did a fwt ship in the second shot and that wasnt a request" well yeah but my friends reading this know me, i only used that to set up an angst plot for him to commit dont lie

any ships my friends request, i have the ability to turn down. sorry commie, but ive thought about it a lot and i just dont like writing poly relationships, ive tried writing it three times already, and im just simply done with it, i cant. 

there are multiple ships i will not accept, please understand. just know who's ok with shipping and who's not- tommy has recently updated his 'status' on shipping, saying that it's ok- he's never gonna try and read it- but i'm still not going to do so.

also, ive noticed in the community a lot of ppl torn over the whole dreamnoblade ship. you really like the frenemies/rivals to lovers trope? I would recommend any sports anime ever. because honesty, that's all I think about when I hear 'dreamnoblade.'

hopefully this wasn't too prissy lol and onto the shot about underage drinking :'D)

TW // underage drinking

Tommy's POV

My door slams closed as I'm finally closed off from the world around me. Instead of taking time to relax, I decide to walk up on the stage I've dedicated myself to.

My set is perfect, the surroundings all exquisite. The scenery of green and blue, wood walls encasing me.

"Hellllo, chat, welcome to the stream today! Hah, we've got a good day planned! Well... as good as an exile can be, planned." I light the usual fire in my viewers' hearts, and hold back a knowing smile, before remembering my depressed act. I glance over to the bottle stashed in my drawer, next to my dresser. 

"Guys, Tubbo hasn't come to visit me, oh..." I whine, "Is there at least any mail?" I check the virtual mailbox, and see a letter.

"Ranboo's messaged me again," I announce, and check the contents of the letter.

"But still no Tubbo... what could I do to just get him off of my mind?" Maybe I was projecting a little bit. Maybe I need a release just as much as TommyInnit does.

Maybe... I could have fun with this.

Wilbur's POV

'For fuck's sake!' I scream into my mic, slamming my desk in mock anger. I had lost at GeoGuesser, once again. I don't really mind, but chat gets a kick out of violence, and there's no issue to indulge them in such behavior.

My eyes glaze over as I see chat talking about Tommy supposedly drinking. It's probably something he's doing as a bit in the SMP. Maybe drinking in the game, or pretending some water or energy drink is alcohol.

'Chat, calm down about Tommy, he's not actually drunk. Jeez.' Chat continued to scream and spam about it nonetheless, until I gave in after nonstop spamming.

'Fine, let's go check on Tommy.' I roll my eyes, and pull up his stream on my screen. 

I sigh, 'See? Nothing wrong! He's just sad about his exile. Oh wait, did I speak to soon?' I hype up as I see Tommy grab a bottle, and his voice booms, 'Onto another!' 

Ah, the classic, acting you're drunk when you're not, shtick. However, the bottle is actually a vodka bottle, surprisingly. He's probably got some soda in it, but having the bottle overall is a bad look- he's underage.

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