maybe I should've just forgotten you (sapnap + fundy)

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(heyyy this wasnt a request but i got this idea and couldn't get it out of my head- this oneshot follows the trans!fundy headcanon/canon idea [for those who are confused, fundy said that if it brings comfort and joy, that people can see his character as trans, but as a cis male, he doesn't want to misportray anything and that it can be canon or not, decided by fans :)] where sapnap used to have a crush on him b4 he transitioned, but sapnap didn't know that present day fundy was actually the "girl" he had a crush on when they were younger, so yes, slight past fundynap lol. sorry for long af a/n, just wanted a bit of a summary + explanation!!! i'm also not transgender myself, so i will try not to delve too deep into what you who are do feel, as neither do I want to be invalidating at all<3)

Third person POV

Tracing his blade mindlessly, Fundy awaited Sapnap's arrival. He didn't like his tardiness, and quickly grew impatient. Shaking his head, he sighed as the black-haired boy finally arrived.

"Hey, Fundy, what's up?" Sapnap asked nervously.

"You killed Niki and I's fox. Why?" the taller asked bitterly.

"Uh-" How was Sapnap supposed to answer that? It would be a bit difficult, since he didn't even know himself. He found himself angry at the fox he killed, Fungi. But why? He didn't like that Fundy payed all of his attention to it. Not that he cared about Fundy, but he thought that the relationship between the hybrid and the animal was a bit much. Parasocial, if you will.

"Well? What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I- I was playing pet roulette...?"

Fundy gaped and was easily angered. Growling slightly, the hybrid gripped the other's hand and pinned him to the ground.

"And all you had to say was a half-assed apology to Niki?! That was our pet, you asshole!" He seethed, Sapnap struggling under his hold.

"Fine! Okay," Sapnap muttered, catching his breath as Fundy's hold weakened, "I got... I don't know, jealous?"

"Jealous?" The redhead inquired, disbelieving.

"It's just- you were giving that stupid fox so much attention! It was- stupid."

Furrowing his eyebrows, the younger remarked, "That is literally the most dumb and unjust reason to kill my pet. And why the fuck were you jealous of my fucking fox?"

"I- I don't know?!"

"You barely know me!"

"You think I don't know that?! It's- you just gave me weird vibes, like- like I wanted to... I don't know, protect you?!"

"You say I don't know a lot." Fundy mused, suddenly directing the conversation elsewhere, "Why? Are you nervous, Sapnap...?"

"You're literally pinning me to the ground, and you have claws that are as sharp as your mind. Of course I'm on fucking edge."

"Hm," he giggled, "Flattery gets you nowhere in the world, but it gets you a kudos from me." Fundy let go, but his eyes didn't become any friendlier. 

"We'll continue this conversation at a later date," he stated, wiping dirt from his hands and walking away. Sapnap stood, awestruck. What the fuck was that?

When Fundy got back to his base, he collapsed onto his bed. Tears barely escaped his eyes, and he struggled to make a decision. So badly, he wanted to sleep it off. But because of his recent dreams, he was scared to.

Confused, he did the only thing he could think of doing; talking to his dad. Even if he the elections were about to begin, the thought that, surely, Wilbur had some time to spare to talk to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2022 ⏰

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