picnic diplomats (lost and found family)

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(me speedrunning requests part 2 this looks scuffed ik stop making fun of me in your head ok

and someone explain to me why heatwaves has actually become a fucking bop to my ears)

Third Person POV

"Guys, is everything packed correctly?" Eret asks, rummaging through the supplies packed by Ranboo and Niki.

Niki says, "Yep, we even added some candles in case we decide to stay out until dark!" 

"Nice thinking," Eret compliments, and the blonde girl smiles at the praise. Ranboo nods at his little sister, also believing that her initiative was beneficial.

Turning to scan the entire room, Eret questions, "Hey, where are the other two?"

Ranboo shrugs, "Probably getting ready."

Eret replies, "Oh," softly, and turns back to facing them. Getting up from the counter seat, Ranboo shoulders on his coat, and walks in the general direction of the spot they picked for the picnic.

Piping up, Eret offers to the still remaining Niki, "You can go on ahead with Ranboo- I'll wait for Tubbo and Fundy."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, go on!" Eret assures, causing Niki to do as told and chases after Ranboo.

Tapping on the counter, Eret starts making a small melody with their long nails reverberating against the marble. Their boredom carries on until the two siblings enter the room.

"Finally- Why are you guys in suits?" Eret asks incredulously, to which the two exchange looks.

Fundy says simply, "I'm going to the cabinent meeting that Tubbo is holding in... an hour?" The fox boy looks at his brother, to which the younger replies, "Yeah, an hour."

Adjusting their sunglasses, Eret states, "But today we're going on a picnic." 

"Well..." Tubbo fidgets with the cuffs of his suit, "We can go to the picnic for a while, but then we have to have the meeting."

Having no choice but to appreciate Tubbo's compromise, Eret nods in agreement. 

They sigh, and shift their weight onto their left leg, "Alright, let's go, Ranboo and Niki are waiting for us."

Setting off, the three banter as they make their way down the Prime Path to the picnic spot. The boy and girl already at the spot start waving frantically at the others, signaling for them to hurry up.

"We were starting to think you all got lost!" Niki pouted, and Tubbo smiles weakly in response.

"Nevermind that, let's eat!" She gains back her excitement, and they start to pass around all the silverware and dishes. 

Fundy's ears twitch in annoyance, and noticing, Niki asks, "Is there an issue?"

"I'm just going to get some berries..." he said offhandedly, and walks off, "I'll be back in a few."

Ten or so minutes pass, and the four continue to chatter and discuss some serious matters until Fundy comes back.

"Look who finally decided to show up again. Why'd you take so long?" Eret takes note of the lei crown on Fundy's head.

Tilting his head a bit, Fundy replied, "My... kin hadn't seen me in a while. They were a bit excited to welcome me back to the forest, but I had to tell them I was busy."

"Mkay," Eret replied casually, taking another sip from their chamomile tea.

Tubbo asked, "Can we see your kin some day? They always run away from me."

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