old friends (badboyhalo x gender neutral reader)

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(This was a request, and sorry for it being so late! I never saw the comment until looking through comments today ^^ I've never written bad much before, so I guess that'll help me break that habit! and since the person who requested didn't specify what type of story they wanted, I made it a typical fluff/hurt comfort type of story :]

this is the song I was listening to while writing this so I kinda went for this vibe..)

Third Person POV

Bad was bored. Bored of work. And by work, he meant all the fighting, diplomacy, and heartbreak he went through every day. Losing his best friend, making enemies, and negotiating alliances were all so tiring. He missed when he had the luxury of hating people for nothing more than swearing. When he didn't have to remind himself not to kill everyone in sight because of the egg corrupting his mind.

Everything was causing him pain and stress, and there was seemingly no escape. That was, until, he stumbled across an old friend. Or rather, an old lover.

He had left Y/N behind when joining the Dream SMP, aware of its dangers- he refused to let his lover take part in such an affair. He had left Y/N to constantly worry, anxious about the day they might receive a letter about Bad's death. They weren't too hopeful in his return after the last letter- a letter from the King that spoke about how Bad's mind was almost completely taken over by a stupid egg. Their heart broke, and that day, they swore to find Bad and convince him to come home if it was the last thing they did.

When he was about to call it quits for the day, Captain Puffy barged into his study.

"Oh, Puffy, for muffin's sake, what is it?" He asked exasperated but quickly regained a calm composure. Silently shaking his head, he scolded himself for the rude behavior.

"There's someone outside... I came across them when I went to hang out with Niki. They said they were waiting for you, and since you almost never get out of this muck and cluck place, I decided to come in for their sake."


"They said their name was Y/N."

"Oh," he spoke softly, "Let them in here."

Rolling her eyes, Puffy did as asked, and you came in shyly.

"She looks annoyed," you rub your arm sheepishly.

Bad sighed and rubbed his temples, "She's always annoyed. But, enough of that, how are you, Y/N?"

"I'm ok, I suppose," you let out a breath, your arms swaying side to side. "Let's get out of this place, go somewhere... like... the forest."

Looking at you skeptically, Bad bit his lip, unsure. 

"Can I trust you?"

"Just because we haven't seen each other in a few years doesn't mean I've changed. I'd never hurt you."

"Alright," Bad settled, getting up, "We shall go then. Please, follow me, my dear," he playfully remarks, and your cheeks tint a bit at the pet name.

As Bad and you made your way around the SMP, there was little talk between you two. It was awkward, visiting an old crush of yours, seeing that he's now this big important guy...

After debating inside your head for a while, you stop walking and hold out your arm to stop your companion. "Bad," you mutter, eyes averted from his own.

"Yeah, Y/N?" He asks, confused.

"I love you. You love me. We know this... but, what... what is this? What're you doing?"

Staring at you, as if scrutinizing, Bad chose his words carefully, "It's my life now. Sorry you don't understand that."

Frowning, you cup his cheeks and stare him in the eyes finally. "Come on, Bad. This isn't.. you!"

"Of course it is. I'm right here?" 

"Don't play stupid with me, BadBoyHalo." His eyebrows raised at the use of his whole name, "Why don't you just come home?"

"I have a job."

"A job to destroy things- to destroy people! You're compassionate and always thinking of others, not- not hurting people!" You weep weakly, and his gaze softens. The prominent red in his eyes became duller.

"Save me," he whispered, tears cascading across his face, "Save me from what that thing has done to me."

You hiccup, and wrap your arms around him. "Please hold on. Please let me help you, let me save you."

Both of you idle in the forest for longer than you could gauge. You didn't know what exactly had happened, but you now knew this wasn't going to be a mere visit. You had to stay for your love.

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