soul bound hatred (found family and ranboo cause I said so)

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(Ok so commie requested this, and I decided to add my own twist to it because I wanted to and commie its not gonna be exactly how you described and AU where dream smp is their real life no you cant say otherwise woo)

Tommy's POV

I wake up slowly in the morning, but as the realization of what day it is settles in, I'm up and ready to go. Looking down, I see four strings. Techno, Phil, Wilbur, and Tubbo. Wait, no, not Tubbo- he got his strings on his birthday, and his soul family are Eret, Fundy, and Niki. So who's the fourth string?

I run out of my base to go find the rest of the Sleepy Bois- my soul family, obviously. The pink string is Techno, the blue is Wilbur, and the green is Phil. They're hanging out near the L'mantree, so I dash into their personal space, to which they all greet me differently.

Techno whacks my head, "Finally got our family strings, nerd?"

I squeal in excitement, "Yeah! But- but who's the fourth string? It's... black?"

Phil matches my confusion as he speaks, "Yeah, I thought it was just us four. Anyone got a clue as to who it is?"

"Hmm, who hasn't had their soul strings yet?" Wilbur offers, prodding at the strings that connected him and Technoblade.

I stare into the sky, thinking about who hasn't gotten their family strings.

Puffy? No, she's connected to Bad and Skeppy.

Ponk? He said that his soul family passed away, so I don't think so.

Sapnap? Last I checked, he's bound with the rest of the Dream Team and Punz.

"Ah, I got it!" Phil slams his fist into his palm, a figurative lightbulb popping over his head, "Ranboo!"

"You're wrong, hate to say it Philza Minecraft, but Ranboo has soul strings." I say offhandedly, annoyed at Phil's stupidity.

He glares at me and asks smugly, "Have you ever seen his strings?"

"Of course not- but he says he has them."

Phil drops all amusement and stares me dead in the eyes, "You know that people can lie, right?"

"But Ranboo never lies!" I fight back, standing my ground.

"He could, it may be a sensitive topic for him. Maybe he thought he didn't have a soul family." Phil retorts.

"Hmph, let's go find him." I announce, and start to follow the black string.

We travel for a few hours, through the nether, around Dream SMP land, and the boy is still so far away. I guess he is kind of a lurker, showing up when he wants. He's a bit like Dream in that way.

Finally finding him at Tubbo's guardian farm, we try to get his attention as he's talking with Sam.

"Ranboo!" I shout, and do an MLG into the bottom of the farm where Ranboo and Sam are conversing. At our arrival, Ranboo turns to us in confusion.

"What's up? Why are the sleepy bois all here?" The heterochromatic boy seems to be oblivious to our integration.

"Show me your soul strings," I request harshly.

His eyebrow quirks as he backs away from me, "What's brought this on? You got your strings today, so why are you so interested in mine?"

"We all have one more string that's black. See, it's right-" I motion to the strings, but the black one is dangling a few inches from my arm.

"Tommy, April Fool's Day was over a week ago, and I don't find this joke very funny. You know I don't have a family." Ranboo stated, crossing his arms, "You also got Techno, Wilbur, and Phil in on this? Wilbur and maybe Techno I understand, but Phil? Way to make fun of my non-existent bloodline."

Ranboo's eyes glass over as he gets a disappointed frown spread across his face. I stammer, trying to respond with the truth, but I'm too confused to process what's happening.

Phil steps forward, and ushers Ranboo to a secluded place. I follow suit, as do my brothers. Clearing his throat, Phil starts to smooth over the situation.

"We all woke up today with four strings. Pink for Techno, Red for Tommy, Blue for Wilbur, Green for me, yet there was one more that was black. We followed it, and it led us to you. But now the strings are all weird, and disconnected," Phil shows Ranboo the cut-off strings, trying to explain the predicament.

Ranboo stares at us for a solid minute before turning his head down in shame, "I really didn't think this would happen, but alas, I've been proven wrong yet again. Yeah, the fact that you have strings connected to me is believable. As strange as it sounds, even though you all seem to be my 'soul' family, I'm incapable of love."

"Incapable of love? Why?" Wilbur asks, curious.

"Because I'm not human," Ranboo explains vaguely.

"Neither am I, or Phil," Techno interjects, "So why doesn't that happen to us?"

"You two were born that way, though. I... uh... I got cursed," Ranboo adds onto the story, cupping a hand over his mouth as if he would vomit.

"So... we're family... but, you just can't feel the love for us that we feel for you?" Phil deduces, and Ranboo nods slightly.

"Why didn't you want to tell us?" I ask, blowing my bangs out of my face.

"I was embarrassed- that you guys would think I was weird for being cursed."

"It is kind of weird," I admit, but Phil elbows my ribcage so I quickly put in, "but that doesn't mean it'll affect our bond."

(there take my laziness get ur fluff food lol

school starts again tmr dhmu :pensive: that means i have to go to bed early ugggggggg)

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