His Diary (fundy-centric)

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(This won't be actual dates linear to the plot line irl because you all know I'm a lazy bitch plus it's almost 2 AM as I'm doing this)

October 23rd, 2127
i got this as a birthday present from eret a few days ago. maybe he thinks it would be good for me to write my feelings down or something. might as well, what else is there to do?

October 24th, 2127
apparently there's a lot of other things to do, being the founder's son and all. paperwork, violence, meetings, practicing diplomacy, combat training- it's all irksome to me. it doesn't really bother me though

October 26th, 2127
today father waged all out war on the dream smp and its members. i'm not sure if this is a war we can win

October 27th, 2127
today we spent time preparing, and tommy seems to be more on edge than usual. i'm a tad worried about his mental stability.

October 29th, 2127
the official war began, dream has burnt down tubbo's house as warning

November 2nd, 2127
the war is over, it didn't last nearly as long as we thought it would. tommy gave up his discs for independence. eret betrayed us. that really sucks, he was a bit of a friend to me, yknow? i wouldn't have thought he could do such a thing. but this diary was given to me by him. i don't know how to feel about that now.

November 3rd, 2127
i played a little game with punz today.

November 5th, 2127
sapnap killed fungi, so i forced niki to kill skechers.

November 6th, 2127
sapnap declared war on me. we've decided to duel it out

November 8th, 2127
i lost the duel, but that's ok. I think so, anyway, because i was able to bring honor to my dead fox's name.

November 13th, 2127
now that father is basically president, he decided to swell his pride by holding an election. maybe i'll run for shits and giggles

November 15th, 2127
in a twisting change of events, quackity has decided to run against father.

November 17th, 2127
jschlatt, someone i've never met, joined the battle at the last second. election day is tomorrow.

November 18th, 2127
schlatt won. he exiled my father and tommy. he raised taxes on niki, and pressured me to burn the flag niki created, along with taking down the walls of l'manburg. i can not stand for this

November 19th, 2127
schlatt called a meeting today, and dismissed everyone except for me at the end. he says that he's watching me. i don't know if that's good or bad.

November 20th, 2127
schlatt asked me about wilbur and i's relationship. and right in front of my dad, i denied our family ties and simply labeled him as the founder. i hate myself for doing that.

January 8th, 2128
after going into a small depression, i finally found the will to write in this again. spoiler alert, my dad is dead. and my grandfather was the one to do the job. i can't be mad at phil because he chose the right thing. but i can be mad at myself for not being there for my dad.

January 10th, 2128
my wedding is tomorrow and i'm excited to marry dream. but, there's still the looming feeling of loneliness as i remember that my dad can't walk me down the isle

January 11th, 2128
so much happened yesterday. we got married, and it was wonderful. and about my concern yesterday... eret walked me down the isle. i never felt such mixed feelings about my dad? mom? friend? frenemy?

January 13th, 2128
dream and i bought a lovely house together and got elegant furniture to go along with it.

January 18th, 2128
today i visited my father's grave. i cried.

January 21st, 2128
tommy got exiled a day ago, so dream's been keeping an eye on him. i've decided to visit tommy soon.

January 23rd, 2128
i kept to my word and visited tommy. his behavior is starting to remind me of my dad's before he died. it's a great concern to me. but ranboo has promised to keep my updated on tommy's status when i can't know for myself.

January 24th, 2128
today, dream bought me blue flowers. i asked him why, and he said that everyone likes the color blue. i hate the color blue, but it's the thought that counts.

January 26th, 2128
dream wasn't home all of today or yesterday. i know that because i wasn't met with yelling when i woke up today, on the floor, with an empty bottle beside me. it doesn't take a genius to figure out i got drunk yesterday. it's quite the challenge to figure out why i got drunk though.

January 30th, 2128
i accidentally broke a plate because of my sprained wrist. it cut open my left arm, and now i need stitches.

February 5th, 2128
today i hung out with eret for the first time in a while. he question the marks on me. i didn't know why he was so concerned, but now looking at them, i understand now.

February 6th, 2128
dream found out about me hanging out with eret. he let his walls down for once, and explained the jealousy that he felt. i understand his pain, and i promised that i won't see eret or niki or anyone again unless it's for business. that seemed to make him happy.

Eret stares down at the book he'd been reading since the day he gifted it to Fundy. Fundy thought that it was a private diary, but in reality, Eret originally gave it to Fundy to get vulnerable information on the boy, so the betrayal would hit harder. What Eret didn't expect was for the fox to keep writing in it after the betrayal.

So, that's why Eret was sitting on his throne, drumming his finger along a wine glass, staring intently at the words being scrawled on the two-way diary. He'd learnt a lot about Fundy through this journal, and he planned to keep it that way, until today's entry. There were too many red flags.

Shit, Eret thought, I don't even know where the two live... does anyone else?

In a hurried concern, Eret rings Sapnap, to which the other picks up on the second tone.

"Hey Eret, what's up?" Sapnap casually said, grunting occasionally. Eret figured that he must be fighting mobs.

"Do you know where Dream and Fundy live?"

"No, not that I think about it."

"Fuck," Eret curses, "I need to go."

Eret hangs up without a response.

Leave Fundy, he thinks, Why don't you march out that door?

(A prequel to a lyric shot I'll put out at a later date.)

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