20- You could always win it back

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(This fits the theme of the chapter~)


"Rome, you have a gift." The office smelt of peppermint with a twist of vanilla. "My two sons also have gifts, you would get along with them." The teenager looked confused out of her mind.

"What she's saying sweetheart is that her sons are just like you!" The father looked at his daughter with kind eyes. "In what way?" Rome asked. The women looked at her with eyes that showed no emotion but madness. "Gambling my dear."


Rome's P.O.V

"Where the fuck is my money?" The student council president looked taken back a bit but still kept that Cheshire grin. "Whatever are you talking about Rome? I thought you wanted to talk about that position I offered you." 

  "When me and Sayaka gambled. She said you paid off he debt if so, then where is the money she owns me?" Kirari gave me a twisted grin as she stared at me "I wired it to your father of corse!" W- what? No.. that can't be.

"You see I don't know If you realized but he made a deal with my clan  So, I wired him the money instead of you!" He would of said something if he got my money. Damn it its just going to go straight to my mother for her, 'Beauty surgeries'

"So let me get this straight, my father made a deal with the devil and now you gave him MY money?" Kirari narrowed her eyes at me while her blue lips twisted into something sinister. "Well... you could always win it back."


I've started to go to school in person and everyone sucks.      
I hate people 😭✌
Anyways, I've gotten so many reads?!?! Like thank you, you beautiful little doves! This is my cue to leave sooooo byeeeee.

♡Extra Cut Scenes!♡

Sayaka: In other words Kirari is my suger mama.

Rome: What😃 The😃 Fuck😃

Yumeko: watcha doing Rome?

Rome: I wish I was doing you

Yumeko: there's a janitors closet on the corner of the hall, lets go.
Meari: What's your favorite drink I'll start first mine is a nice cold peach bellini-


That's all folks!

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