6- What is this? The purge?

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Rome's P.O.V

Jesus christ today has been.... busy. I just want to go home and eat a entire tub of ice cream and watch a soap drama.

I'm currently sitting in math class my full attention on the clock- "Rome, can you please tell the class what the radius of a circle please?" OHHHHH SHITTTT. "Well Miss. It is..... infact...."

'Bing Bing Bing'

OH THANK GOD IT'S THE BELL. I practically Sprinted out of the classroom and made my way towards the exit. Days Of Our Lives HERE I COME!!

"EXCUSE Rome-Chan!!!!!" God what now? I turned around to see a girl with a.... lollipopop in her mouth? And why does she have a jacket made for a kid? I JUST WANNA GO HOMEEE

"Alright Look pigtails, I just want two go home so whatever it is it can wait. Got it?" I turned around to leave when she said "I'm afraid I can't let you do that. You see, you're needed in the student council room."

Huh? What? Before I could say any else she took my hand and started running towards a hallway I haven't explored yet. Wowwwww This is SOOOOO Not Sketchy.

"Go ahead Rome-Chan!" She opened the door for me and we went inside a room that had a big ass aquarium. "Oh and Uh pigtails, Just call me Rome." She nodded than left.

Ok let's see where I am- AND WHY DOES THAT KID HAVE A MASK?!?! "Rome." I turned my head to see a girl with white braids. "What is This? The purge?" I looked at the girl with the mask to symbolize I was talking about her. "Heh, I like your Humor Rome."


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