17- Mary?

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Rome's P.O.V

I have said this before and I'll say it again. I don't need to know why Sally toke train A at 80mph and if Train B left at 6:00 then- "Miss Rome." I snapped my head up to see the teacher staring right at me. "Erm, Yeah?" Oh God please don't call on me for a question.

"There's something in the office for you." Oh dear god thank you. I got up from my very uncomfortable seat and left the classroom. I wonder what's in the office and who dropped it off.

I finally got to the Office and went to side area where people drop things off. Why does this Office smell like old lady? "Rome?" Eh? I turned my head to see Sayaka Igarashi. Great. Justtttt great.

"Someone dropped off a uniform for you." Wait was it my father? "Who dropped it off Sayaka?" She stared daggers into my eyes. If looks could kill I would be on fornseic files right now.

"I can't tell you that Rome, it's classified." Of course it is. She handed me the uniform and made direct eye contact with me when she said this "Stay away from Kirari." She looked like my mother when I told her I spilled red Gatorade on the white carpet. Heh.

"Mmmmkkkk whatever you say Sayaka." I could tell she was pissed but so am I, ughhhhh I actually have to wear a uniform nowwww. Eh could be worse. I walked to the bathroom to change when I saw "Mary?"


Cut scenes!

Midari: Yumeko could step on me and I would say thank you

*Rome walks by*

Midari: But if Rome were to kidnapp me, lock me up in a chair, and torture me mercilessly I would also say thank you.

Suzui: What. The. Fuck.

I hate school so much

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