9- Im Sorry Rome

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"She is a DISGRACE Abe!!" The woman with Blackish blue hair was pacing back and forth in her and her husband's shared room. "Just listen to me Honey, Rome... she has a Gift! We need to-" The woman with midnight blue hair, Turned around and snapped at her husband.

"NO. YOU LISTEN. I.... I just wanted a daughter who would wear makeup and... and wear dresses. I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR A GIRL WHO GETS KICKED OUT OF EVERY SCHOOL SHE GOES TOO." The man whose name is apparently 'Abe' hugged the woman tightly.

"I know... I know. Honey, I found this school in Japan. Its for people like her!" What the parents didn't know was that a girl was curled up in a ball. Crying and crying until she falls asleep. 'The walls are quite thin' Rome thought. 'I... I just want this to be all over.


Rome's P.O.V

"OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL?!?!" Itsuki looked at me with her eyes wide and mouth open. Heh. She really is a squirrel. "Yes Itsuki, I gamble outside of school..... anyways! Come on let's go inside." I dragged Itsuki out of my car and locked it.

"Alrighty Itsuki I just need you to follow two rules. Number one, Don't gamble with anyone there. Number two, if anyone other than me talks to you they only want you for something. So basically don't trust anyone."

I grabbed her hand before she had a chance to respond and dragged her inside the pub. The smell of achol hit us like a brick. We just need to go to the back and we should be good. We reached a beat up door with a bouncer in front of it.

"Password." He asked in a deep and gravely voice. "Lösenord" I replied in Swedish. He opened the door and let us through. Itsuki tugged on my sleeve and asked "What does uh, what you just said mean?" Heh. "Well Itsuki, you need to brush up on your Swedish."

I led her inside the Surprisingly fancy tucked away casino. "Um Rome... I feel a bit underdressed." She turned her face towards me and blushed while saying that. "Awww Don't worry my little squirrel you are dressed just fine!"

I said while walking towards a gambling station.  But then, she stopped walking. Eh? Why did she stop- "Rome, there's been well... a rumor going around. That says the student council president offered you a position... is it... is it true?" She looked down at the ground, her voice had so many emotions in each word that I couldn't dispher. For once in my lifetime I... I didn't know what to say next.

Itsuki's P.O.V

I have to admit I've taken a liking to Rome. But it's just, its not fair that she would get to be one of the students council members. IT'S BEEN MY DREAM TO BE ON THE STUDENT COUNCIL EVER SINCE YUMEKO- CHAN LOST ME MY POSTION!!.

IT.. IT WON'T BE FAIR THAT SHE WAS ASKED ON HER FIRST DAY!! IT WON'T BE FAIR. IT WON'T BE FAIR. IT WON'T BE FAIR IT WON'T- "Yes, I was asked but I'm going to decline the position." Wait wha- What? She's going to decline?.... "Most of the members look like they either cheat to get their way or just ignorant. And well, Hell I'm not going to be surrounded by cheating prideful pigs." I was wrong about her....

Rome's P.O.V

I'm not an idiot you see, I talked with Yumeko before I had a gambling that gambling match. Well apparently, Yumeko gambled with the little squirrel and won. The student council was well... basically embarrassed and kicked her out.

From what I could piece together Itsuki has held a grudge not against Yumeko, but against The student council. I mean I can understand why you would be so bitter. The student council can basically control your life if your not one of the members. Its like a fucked up government.  "I- I'm sorry Rome."


Sorry for the long wait lmao. I just got a new kitten and she's been a handful

Cute right? Anyways I hope I made up for it for the longer chapter!

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Cute right? Anyways I hope I made up for it for the longer chapter!

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