24- I know I would

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Rome's P.O.V

"Oh." Kirari smiled maliciously at me. "The Ace of Swords, Non reversed." She walked towards me with a particular spring in her step. "Well Rome that's a lucky card to get foe tour first one! That gives you 10 points!"

Oh shit 10 points barley does anything in this game. Is she mocking me? "My turn then!" Her pale hand with ice blue nail polish turned over a card directly across from it. I would love to deny the pleasure I'm getting from gambling, but that would be a lie. Even if Kirari has a sinful intent with this game, it doesn't matter now. The only thing that matters is the trill. The electric shock that goes through my vains when we gamble.

"Oh well How lucky am I?! Rome it seems that I got 'The World' Non reversed! That means I immediately get 21 points." So that means if I some how happen to pull a World card too, it wouldn't count. God fucking damn it. Then an annoying voice that I have grown to get used to, coughed not so subtlety.

"Kirari and Rome I'm sorry to inform you but we'll have to cut the match a bit short. Instead of three rounds it'll be two. It seems there's a unsupervised match between Yumeko and another student council member." That crazy gambling freak is always up to something.

"Okay thank you Sayaka." The assistant walked out and left us alone once again. "Well Rome we'll have to move along fast. This will be our last round. Since I have the highest number of points I get to go first." The only way for me to win is the pick the fool. God I hate my life.

"oh." Please tell me she picked something in reverse- "Well Lady Luck has certainly turned against me. I picked 'The Sun'.. reversed." YES YES YES YES. "Well that's uhm unfortunate Kirari." YES YES YES "Alrighty guess I'll go all for nothing, right?" Kirari showed me a toothy Cheshire cat like grin. "Right."

Whatever God is out there, please let me get a good card. My hand slowly picked a card and turned it over. Kirari's smile grew even more wider. "The Fool. Reversed." Nononononono. "This doesn't mean you lost, remember? I had one reversed too. That means we've reached a dreaded stalemate." Oh that's not too bad. At least I didn't lose.

"Now you should go to wherever you have to go to. Excuse me." She walked out of the room, the grin slowly wiping off Kirari's face. So I guess I don't get my money, and she doesn't recruite me to be part of the student council. I really wanted my money, but I guess I can always gamble with her next time.

I walked out of the room stepping into the big stretched out hallway. Well I would 100% do that again. Even if I did get a stalemate, it was worth the experience.

"Why aren't you watching Yumeko's match?" I turned around none other to see Mary.  "No reason, I'm heading my way over there right now actually." Mary pauses as though she's processing something. "Hm alright. Let's fo together." "Sounds cool to me."

We walked in an uncomfortable silence but, I wasn't brave enough to brake it. "Soooo Rome. Don't you want to become student council president?" Huh, where the hell did that come from? "Uhm no not really.. do you?" She stared straight into my eyes and nodded her head yes.

"Even if I would have to betray Yumeko at some point, I would die to become student council president." She then looked ahead of her and smiled, presumably thinking about what it would be like to become student council president. That seems a bit impulsive.

"You know Mary, you might want to be careful of what you wish for. I'm sure hundreds of people would be willing to kill to become president." We both stopped as I bent down to whisper in her ear. "I know I would."



Extra Cut scenes ♡

Kirari: ur kinda like Mr. Crabs in a way Rome.

Rome: why the fuck would you say that?

Kirari: because in chapter 20 you were like "Where's me' money?"

Rome: i hate you.

Ryota: Can I have more lines?

The creator of Kakegurui: no.

Ryota: well can I at least get character development? Everyone else gets it-

The creator of Kakegurui: No
Welp I'm not dead. I just didn't have motivation to do a chapter. Anyways be safe and peace out.

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