31- Fine

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Rome's pov:

I manage to successfully avoid Yumeko and her gang for the rest of the day and finally went home. I hope father is ok, he isn't responding to any of my messages. I still remember our last conversation and they way he cried a little when I hugged him. He's really the only person who understands my emotions and thoughts, without him I probably couldn't understand it.

Knock, Knock

It's probably just Itsuki. "Rome? Are you in there? It's Mary, I think we should talk." Maybe if I let her in for a minute eveyone can stop bothering me. I swung open the door to see a disheveled Mary fixing her blazer. "Sorry for my appearance I ran here." The blonde said giving me a small smile.

"Look I'll just say it, what we did was immoral Rome. But I'm not apologizing for it. We should of just asked you, but we didn't. And that's really crappy of us. So I get it if you want to be mad, but you shouldn't shut us out become of it. You're just having a little temper tantrum right now."

I move over to the side letting Mary in while just starting at her. A temper tantrum? Seriously? "Is this your way of trying to patch things up Mary?" I spitefully ask not missing the way she flinches when I talk. "I know that I'm overreacting, but at the end of the day you guys were really shitty friends and you can't change your actions."

Yumeko's pov:

"So I think the reason why Rome is so mad at us, is because we were snooping around." I said looking at eveyone seated on the carpet. "Good point Yumeko!" Itsuki optimistically said, putting a well manicured hand to her chin. "But had anyone seen Mary yet?" We glanced at the door hoping she would walk in at that moment but she never did. Ryota looked down at the floor then back at the clock. "Ryota, do you know where Mary is?"

The boy looked at us while he sighed in defeat. "Yeah.. Mary went to talk to Rome's to talk to her. But she should of been back by now." Did Rome do something? "Let's go find Mary!!" Itsuki joyfully said. We got up from Itsuki's apartment and made our way to Rome's. "Yumeko I think you should knock." Ryota said hiding behind Itsuki. Haha he reminds me of a scared deer, he really needs more charcter development.

I knocked on the door, no answer. Were could those two be? "Maybe they're at the school! We should look around there, if we can't find them we'll head back." Itsuki said while admiring her fingernails.

   °○°○° Time Skip To the school°○°○°

"How come everyone is gathering the main gambling room? Is there a student council game going on?" Ryota asked curiously. "I don't know, but I think Rome has something to do with it." I say trying to look at the front. "Guys here's an opening!" Itsuki said while pushing through strangers.

We made it to the front and my eyes widened while my jaw dropped.

"Mary is having a match with Rome?!?!?!" Rome glanced at us and smirked. She looked at the blonde with a emotion I couldn't dispher. Confidence? Bluffing? "Mary, you're 9000000 yen in the hole. Why are you still playing?" Rome said, making my jaw widen even more. "If this is what I have to do, then so be it." Mary spoke with clenched teeth. "Fine."



Cut scenes! <3

Rome: I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, Eveyone gets my negative opinions about them!!
Itsuki: omg I love my nails sm

Yumeko: didn't you try to get my nails once?-

Itsuki: shhhhhhhhh.

Hey! Uh yeah I know you probably thought I was dead bc I haven't uploaded forever. Truth is I'm trying to find a will to live 😀 ew not the android emoji. Sooo hopefully this is a better chapter than the other crappy ones? Idfk. I'm trying to make them more longer and detailed, so if u have any suggestions let me know! <3

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