25- Forcefully

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"I don't understand father, what do you mean the Momobami clan will help us?" The young teenager looked at her father curiously. "Well my sweet dove your teacher is willing to help your gift.

You have so much potential and I don't want you to loose it and become like I am." The middle aged man smiled at Rome sadly. It was at that moment the girl would decide to make her father proud and live up to her great expectations.

E N D  O F  F L A S H B A C K

Rome's P.O.V

Yumeko is rather interesting when she's gambling. After me and Mary's little 'incident' we both made our way to the main room where the gambling match was taking place. I have no clue who her opponent is but, I'm sure yumeko will kick some ass.

"Rome! I didn't think you would be here!" Itsuki came from behind the crowd of students trying to close in on me. If she finds out I gambled with Kirari then she'll dig a grave for me, and shove me in herself.

"Oh I just came back from-"  "When I bumped into Rome she just stepped out of the student council room." God damnit Mary couldn't you have taken the hint? "Huh?! Student council? What were you doing in there Rome?" Ummmm okok I have a semi good lie.

"Well I heard there was a gambling match going on and I thought it might of been unsupervised soooo I went in to get someone to supervise it. Yep that's what happened." Mary gave me a knowing look while Itsuki seemed fooled.

Mary's P.O.V

Hmm she's obviously lying but why wouldn't Rome just say she was gambling with Kirari? I've never really encountered anyone like Rome. She seems like she's driven by an unknown source. Maybe I can convince Yumeko and Ryota to get into her files... then I just might be able to figure her out.

Rome's P.O.V

Midari is even here too, just watching the match with eager eyes. Maybe if I just avoid her and go to the opposite crowd she won't see me- "Rome!!" Well that ship sailed to late. "Rome I haven't seen you in awhile! Have you been avoiding me? Let's not talk about that, let's talk about Yumeko! She really is amazing isn't she?"

Jesus she's just like a kid on a sugar rush. "Uh yeah I guess she's cool." Midari stared at yumeko while she was probably fantasizing over some smut  scene that involves Yumeko, that she came up with.

As much as I would love to see how this turns out I'm pretty tired. And my last class is in 15 minutes. Gosh I miss dad, but I promised him that I would be the best out there. That's a promise I intend to keep.

Kirari's POV

Hm I might ask Sayaka to get Rome's personal files. I just know that name sounds too familiar but, I know she wasn't directly involved with me.. maybe she was involved with someone from the clan.

I can't get that gambling match out of my head, it's like she freaked out for 3 seconds then found confidence from nowhere. Rome would make an excellent student council member, it's truly quite a shame she won't do it willingly. I might just have to do it forcefully.


Cut scenes! <3

Rome's dad: I just want you to realize your potential bumblebee!

Rome: I will work until I die

Rome's dad: uh well that's not what I mean sweetie-

Rome: I will work to the brink of death to make you happy father.

Rome's dad: uh ok sweetie?..
Midari: I believe in yumeko Supremeacy

Rome: Okay?- Thanks for sharing-

Yumeko: Hm? Did someone say something Rome, I didn't hear anyone share anything.

Midari: isn't she absolutely marvelous???

I'm back from the dead folks. Here's a short update because I love you guys. Anyways peace out.

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