7- Do You Take It Black?

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Rome's P.O.V

Jesus christ, I'm not even in here for 5 minutes and I get invited to join the student council..... just greatttttt.


"Rome, I would like you to join the student council club. Now I don't expect you to answer imdeatly, so just sleep on it. I'll give you 48 hours to decide, you may go now."

End of flashback

I mean it would be great to have control of the school but..... father said it's better to stay away then to join. After all, you never know when things will get messy.

After all of this shit that happened today I just want to get home and eat nachos. So basically you see, I live towards the downtown area. It was the only place with a nice apartment that's 'close' to the Academy. Oh shit... I don't have time to eat.

You see....  I do gambling outside of school, my father suggested that I do so. I have to admit the people who see me gamble give me shit. Here's an example. "You're just a kid. A WOMEN at that. You should be learning how to cook in the kitchen!"   After he said that I broke his fingers.

Anyways, my new apartment should be right.... here. I approach a white door with the number 48 on it. Jesus where did I put the keys?

"Excuse me miss? I think you dropped your keys." Huh? I turned around to see that girl with the cool nails I saw today. Uh shit what do I say? "Thanks." I grabbed the keys from her hand and opened the door.

Why is she just standing there? "Why are you standing there? Come inside I'll make some coffee for you."  Huh? Why does she look surprised? "I'm not going to be in ny apartment for very long, so I insist on you coming in."

The girl carefully steeped inside my new apartment and looked around. I guess I should introduce myself. "Soooooo, my name Is Rome and I'm a transfer from America. What's your name?"

She looked at me with a smile and said. "Oh, sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier my name is Itsuki Sumeragi!!" Oohhh that's a pretty name. Oh yeah, I need to make coffee then change. " Well Itsuki, do you take it black?"


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