3- Would you care for a game with me?

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Rome's P.O.V

Why do we even bother with History? I mean the teacher's voice sounds like she wants to quit her job,  marry a male pornstar and live in Costa Rica. But, the only thing stopping her is..... us. I haven't even been here for less then 3 hours and the teachers already hate me. Just great. Absolutely great. What time is lunch again? Probably around-

BING.      BING.      BING.  

"And rember class, we will be learning about Oda Nobunaga next week!"  Well.... that was fast. I got up from my seat and noticed everyone was going to the cafeteria for a 'student council' gambling match. So if I'm taking a guess here.... I should gamble with one of them! But who is in the student council? Eh, I'll find out in the cafeteria.

I started walking in the hallway when that girl with weird bangs approached me with Mary on her left side while a guy with brown hair on her right. I'm not in a good mood to deal with these bitches.

I turned towards them and said "What the hell do you want? I'm hungry for lunch and you are stopping me from eating." The weird-banged girl smiled at me. Gah, I just got shivers right there. "My name is Yumeko Jabami! I was hoping if you could be my friend!" WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THIS PLACE. I HAVEN EVEN TALKED TO HER AND NOW SHE WANTS TO BE MY FRIEND.

Okay, calm down Rome. What's the harm in making a friend? "Sure, just don't get in my way." Damn that didn't come out the way I wanted. Eh, she got the message. I turned around and started walking away.

Then 'Yumeko' ran to catch up with me. Why is she so interested in me? "Do you mind if I ask a question Rome?" Her eyes showed that she was mentally unstable. Heh, kidia like me. "Sure, shoot." She smiled then nodded. "Why did you lose on purpose with your match with Meari?" OHHHHH this bitch is inresting she caught on... good. "Because, today I'm going to beat the hell out of someone." I continued to walk towards the lunchroom whilst she just stood there. Yeah.... she's the weird kid.

Yumeko's P.O.V


○●○●○●Time skip to Cafeteria○●○●●○

Rome's P.O.V

I finally made it to the lunchroom and saw a girl with shortish brown hair with pretty nails gambling with someone. I take it she's part of the student council. Over to the side of the gambling table there was a girl with a mask and- THERE'S THAT BITCH WHO RUIEND MY MORNING!!!!!!!!!!! No way, SHE'S A STUDENT COUNCIL PERSON!?!?!?!? BAHAHAHAHA I KNOW WHO I'M GAMBLING WITH!!!!!

I guess she felt my staring and turned to look at me she huffed then snarled at me. Then she looked into my eyes and dropped the act for a second then went back to supervising the match. Huh, I guess my crazy eyes showed right there. This match better hurry the FUCK UP.

Ugh, I can feel someone staring at me. I looked around and locked eyes with Yumeko. She smiled, waved, and walk over to where I was standing. UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

I guess I have no control she's running over here like when a dog sees it's owner. "Rome!! You left without me back there I thought I lost you!!" Well duh, that's the point. "Yeah..... Sorry about that-" A voice yelling interrupted me. "AND THAT'S THE END OF THE MATCH."

I'm guessing the student council member won. Wait..... THE MATCH IS OVER!!! I CAN GAMBLE WITH THAT BITCH NOW!!!!!! I turned to Yumeko and said "Sorry for leaving you but, I have to do something." I walked towards the morning ruiner and she gave me a diagusted expression. I just chuckled and asked "Would you care for a game with me?"


Wow..... Rome has just requested a match! I wonder what will happen... well I know but you don't. Heh. Have fun guessing until next week. 🤷‍♀️😈

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