28- End My Suffering

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Mary's pov:

"Yumeko be more quieter! We could get caught any minute!" Ryota and Yumeko tried to quietly sneak through the office. "Sorry Mary-Sama!"

The brown hair boy said as he anxiously rubbed his neck. "Alright if I remember correctly the records are in the 4th filling cabinet to the left."

Ririka's pov:

"Dear, if you want to get to the office I suggest we leave now." My sister says as she slowly walks towards me. "I can't shake off this feeling that her name is familiar." I think our family has had something to do with her at some point.

"Ririka the file cabinet is the 4th on the left." Yeah yeah I got it Kirari. I open the drawer only to find the entire cabinet empty. "Uh Kirari there's nothing here." "What do you mean there's nothing there?-" That blonde haired girl came into my vision mocking me with a pile of vanilla files.

"Are you two looking for something?" Yumeko and that... boy came into view behind Mary.

Kirari's POV:

It looks like I've underestimated the three musketeers. "Aren't you guys friends with Rome? Why would you even need her record in the first place?" My sister asked confidence dripping from her voice.

"Well  surprisingly Rome likes to keep to herself and doesn't talk a lot. Soooo we need her file!~" The woman with black hair stated and gave an emotionless smile. Out of eveyone in the school Yumeko, Mary, and Rome are the three that are the most similar, but completely different. "Well Ririka why are you even here?" The blonde asked defensively trying to change the subject.

This is definitely starting to get intriguing. Who would of thought we all had the same idea? "It doesn't matter why I'm here Mary. You should give me the file, I'm part of the student council after all."

Mary's pov:

Why does Ririka even want the file? She can probably just get it from Sayaka. Yumeko Tapped my shoulder and whispered in my ear, "Mary-sama I think we should run." And just like that we ran out of the office, with one  vice president behind us.

The hallway seemed to last for all eternity before we finally left. The tress and nightsky were blurred from how fast we were running. "We can stop running guys! They stopped following." Ryota said out of breath. Jesus, we're doing all of this to find out more about Rome?

We should of just asked her in person. Shit, where do we even go now? Yumeko then spoke up, "Guys Itsuki's apartment isn't that far from here. We can head there and all read her file!" Huh... maybe Yumeko isn't that crazy as I thought. "And maybe we can all gamble together there!" Nope, nevermind.

Rome's pov:

I sense dread coming my way... the three musketeers are definitely behind thi- "Rome-channn! I'm bored, can I come in and paint your nails?" Oh fucking shitballs I forgot Itsuki is my fucking neighbor.

"I know you're home! I saw you come in after school." Well, there's no getting out of this. "Uhm coming Itsuki." I swear I heard a little squeal outside of my door once I spoke. Blegh. I opened the door to see Itsuki holding a big nail kit with probably hundreds of nail polish colors.

"Hey Rome!" The young women said as she stepped inside of my small apartment still filled with a couple of moving boxes. "You haven't finished moving in yet- Rome are you feeling okay? You look tired." "Itsuki it's 2am and I was binge watching American Horror Story in the dark. Of course I'm tired."

She just laughed it off while making herself comfortable on the couch which I was just sitting on. "You have such a good nail shape Rome! It's perfect for a pretty flower design. Now come and sit on the couch with me. We can watch whatever you were watching! It'll be like a sleepover without the sleep part!"

End my suffering.


Ryota: at least I was mentioned this time.

Itsuki: same bro

Ryota: Don't even ur litterally mentioned through out the book.

Heyyy! Sorry if there's misspellings and stuff, I've been working on this all day and I'm super tired. So I haven't rlly edited lol. Anyways it's longer so I hopes you liked it

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