15- She Gives Off Pumped Up Kicks Vibes

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Kirari's POV

"She reminds me of Yumeko but I think Rome is a bit more colder to people she doesn't quite well know. What do you think Ririka?" Kirari turned her head to look at her identical twin.

"I don't know I haven't seen her a lot to determine-" as Ririka was speaking her sister intruptted her "Oh C'mon live a little! Just off a guess what do you think about her?"

The girl with the mask stared at the ground trying to pick the right words. "Well, I think she.... she's heartless."

Kirari widened her eyes in surprise and stared holes into the side of her sister's head. "And why do you think that?" Ririka glanced at Kirari and looked back at the ground. "She said that my mask was something out of the purge movie Francine."

Kirari's lips turned into a light hearted smile while she laughed lightly. "Oh sister you really are too much, I've been feeling rather... bored today. I think I want to gamble with Rome today.

Rome's P.O.V

She wants to gamble with me? What in the actual rubber duck is going on here? Yumeko was the first one to break the silence.

"She.... SHE WANTS TO GAMBLE WITH ROME?!?!? HAHAHA THAT'S ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL." That was not the reaction I was expecting at all.

"I don't want to gamble with her." Everyone then stared at me with shock and confusion. "She gives off pumped up kicks vibes."


Oh my dear God I hate school so much that I just want to scream until my vocal cords shatter into millions of little pices.  😅 Sorry that was a little morbid

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