21- What Are We Waiting For?

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"Father? Where are we going?" The man's eyes twinkled with excitement and another emotion the little girl couldn't quite place. "Well my little bunny, we are going to a special contest!" Rome looked out of the window watching the trees go by and large skyscrapers slowly replacing them.

"Your mother just doesn't understand sweetie." The girl looked turned her head a little upset that he pulled Rome out of her daydream. "I know dad... But, nevermind." The man looked at his daughter curious about what she was going to say. "I'm just like everyone else Rome, I'm ordinary."

He made eye contact with piercing green eyes that stared back at him. "But you my darling, you have a talent for something not a lot of people are good at!" Rome smiled and looked away "Yes father I know, never let anyone tell you that you are untalented!" She giggled at the last few words while her father had a almost distant look in his eyes. "Atta girl!"


Rome's P.O.V

"You could always win it back." "As much as I would Loveeee to gamble with you Kirari I made a promise with someone." She looked at me with those blue eyes that probably sinked the titanic. "Why keep a promise that a person wouldn't keep themselves?" Oh um shit that's actually a good reason- Nope keep it together Rome you are a women of your word!

"It's only one game Rome... it can even be of your choice." Kirari moved out from her seat and moved behind me where she bent down and whispered in my ear, "There's no point in trying to keep the promise I mean Itsuki wouldn't keep it if she was you in this situation.." "How do you know I made the promise with Itsuki? No one knows about that!"

Kirari moved back a little started by my louder voice but, as per usual she quickly put back up her facade and gave me a mischievous smile. "Well I always keep a close watch on those I find interesting and you just so happen to be one of those people" Oh my God she's been stalking me... "What are you, Yuno Gasai??!?" "Who's Yuno Gasai?" She looked at me confused but with an amused expression plasted on her face. "Oh erm nevermind. How long have you been stalking me?"

She smiled even wider and a cunning look approached her pale face. "Well if you gamble with me I'll awnser any three questions you might have about me and give you your money!" This is a bit suspicious.. "What if I lose, would I need to sell my soul or something?" If you lose then "You'll become part of the student council of course~" She reminds me of Yumeko... scary.

But is it really worth it to go back on my promise? If I win I can get my money and I'll split it with Itsuki as an apology! I mean who doesn't want free money? "Well Kirari what are we waiting for? Let's gamble!!"


Cut scenes! ♡

Runa: Heyyyy wassup-
*sees Rome and Kirari gambling*
Runa: Byeeee 👩‍🦯👩‍🦯👩‍🦯
Midari: I might be depressed but I'm well dressed! What do you think Yumeko?!?

Yumeko: No

Midari: Yes my godess!

I'm so close to failing my math class that it's not even funny lololol. Ugh also Wattpad sucks and it won't let me copy and paste stuff any more it just kicks me out 🙄✋ Eh it's fine though. I love you guys! Take care of yourselves!!

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