2- Heh, Idiots

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Rome's P.O.V

C'mon 2 minutes and 8 seconds left till class ends! I guess I could kill time by thinking  of a plan for the match. Ok, so I will lose on PURPOSE and become, a house pet. Then I will gamble with someone who is either A) never lost a gambling match. Or B) someone who is FILTHY RICH.

And- uh. Who's that staring at me? I look to my left only to see a girl with black hair and weirdly cut bangs. We just stared at each other for a moment until the bell rang.

YESSS!! FINALLY, NOW I CAN HAVE SOME REAL FUN. Half of the class left while the other half stayed probably to watch me gamble with Meari. "Are you ready for our match Rome?" Ugh, that is the most FAKEST plastic smile I've ever seen. Hell, Barbie could be having a run for her money with Meari's smile.

"Yes, I am Mary!" I tried to reply with much enthusiasm as possible. "OK then! We will be playing a gambling game of Rock paper Scissors. The people in this classroom will-" Blah. Blah. Blah. I don't really care I just need to lose as quickly as possible!

C'mon can she hurry the fuck up? Would it be rude to just say stop talking and play? Yeah... imma do that. "Mary, no offense but can you just shut up and play? I am betting all of my money, so just shut up please. " Ohhhhh shit. That didn't come out well. Eh, it's probably fine.

"Oh, um... yeah s- sure." Mary stutterd and took some cards out of a box then I took cards out of the box. Heh, it's rigged the body language of the people in this room is a bit.... off. Let me think she will probably throw down a rock... so I will put down Scissors.

"3, 2, 1." We both put down our cards and low behold I was correct. Yay! I lost- "Aww, you lost lets do it again!" Uh- nope I have something I gotta do Now that I lost.  "No, thank you just give me the house pet thingy then I'll leave."

What? Why is everyone looking at me like I'm crazy? Well I mean... I am but not like that. Should I leave?... Oh I think she's gonna speak! "Uh, yeah S- sure here it is-" she handed me the neakless and I stood up out of my chair and headed towards the door. I should say something.

" I hope we can do this in the future Oh, and uh.. Thank you." I think my evil look showed right there because Meari and that girl with the black hair looked at me curiously. Okay I'm going to leave! I left the classroom and headed towards my next class. Heh, Idiots.

Mary's P.O.V


Yumeko's P.O.V

Huh.... she lost on purpose. This is going to be interesting. I like her already!!!!

Suzui's P.O.V

I have a bad feeling about her... she reminds me of Yumeko. That's never a good thing.


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