14- She's requested a match with Rome

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"Hello, I assume your Rome's father?" The man nodded with a slight smile on his face at the mention of his daughter. "I'm Mrs. Obami  Rome's math teacher, now I'm sure why your wondering why I called you to come to the school." The woman put her glasses on and started reading from a file.

"Rome has been sent to the office on 18 different occasions, are you aware of this?" "Yes I am but, if you called me all the way over here to tell me my daughter needs decipline then-" The women furrowed her eyebrows and eyes went wide with surprise. "No no I'm here to talk about her grades! You see Rome is a very.... Clever girl. I'm sure you rember the last time Rome was called to the office less than a week ago?"

The man slowly nodded his head wondering where this conversation was going. "She was called in that day for running a gambling ring in the cafeteria, now this might just be pure luck but on that day she earned $23,000. Now here's why I called you in, Rome has all A's in every one of her classes and its clear that she should be moved up a couple grades. But Rome has a talent just like my two sons, she has a talent for gambling."

E N D O F  F L A S H B A C K

Rome's P.O.V

Now this is a whole new level of awkward. Midari keeps on trying to get Yumeko's attention while Yumeko is talking to me and Itsuki well, she's doing something with her nails. "Yumeko?" Me and Jabami turned our heads behind us to see Meari saotome. The girl I had my first gambling match in Japan with.

"Ah Meari! Me, Rome, and Itsuki were walking to school! Would you like to join us?" Midari grumbled something under her breath and looked at Meari. "Yeah sure only because I don't want to walk alone though!"

She speed walked over to where we were and stood next to me. "Hey Meari, how's it going?" I asked she looked at me and sighed. Lmao that's a whole mood Meari. We all made some small talk when a boy with brown hair sprinted over to us.

"Suzui? Is everything ok?" Yumeko asked concerned while Meari looked shocked. Out of breath Ryota said, "The student council president... she's requested a match with Rome."

                   END OF CHAPTER

             I know this chapter is short but I did leave it on a exciting note. I'll be posting another chapter Tuesday.

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