Part 1

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'We're looking for this woman. Around 22 years old. She goes by the name woods. We don't know why. We do know this is not her real name. Clarke you're going undercover to find her. She's very dangerous. Make sure to become close with her.' Indra said. Clarke nodded. They all left the briefing room. Clarke is an agent at the FBI. Her team is looking for a serial killer. She's known for her skills. She's never left any evidence. Clarke went back to her desk. She was looking through her notes from this case when she heard someone approaching her desk. 'Hey princess.' Finn said. Clarke groaned. 'I told you to stop calling me that.' Clarke said. She took her glasses off and looked at Finn. 'But it's funny that you hate it so much.' Finn said. Clarke rolled her eyes. she really didn't feel like dealing with his shit right now.

'I'm going to miss you.' Finn said. 'Same I guess.' Clarke said. 'Please let me take you out on a date before you go.' Finn said. 'Finn we're coworkers. You know I don't date coworkers.' Clarke said. 'You will be gone for a year I think one date won't hurt.' Finn said. 'Exactly I'll be gone for a year. Let's say I actually enjoy the date, what then? It's not like I can say no to going undercover now.' Clarke said. 'So you admit you like me.' Finn said. 'No Finn I'm saying it will never work.' Clarke said. 'Can you please go now.' Clarke said. 'I have to get ready.'

'It could be good for you.' Octavia said. 'What?' Clarke asked. 'A date. You haven't dated anyone since you know.' Octavia said. 'It's fine you can say her name.' Clarke said. 'Fine since Niylah.' Octavia said. 'Yeah so?' Clarke asked. 'I'm doing fine.' Clarke said. 'You were happy with her. What even happened between you two?' Octavia asked. Clarke ignored Octavia's question. She didn't want anyone to know what happened between her and Niylah.

'I'm back.' Finn said. 'Unfortunately yes.' Clarke said. Finn rolled his eyes. 'Oh come on princess one date.' Finn said. 'No.' Clarke said. She saw Octavia looking at her. 'Fine one date.' Clarke said. 'Bellamy you owe me ten bucks!' Finn yelled. Clarke raised her eyebrow. 'Excuse me?' Clarke asked. Did they really bet on her? Clarke scoffed. She stood up and went to the bathroom. When she got out she found Finn waiting for her. 'What are you doing here?' Clarke asked. 'Look Clarke. Yes we betted, but that doesn't mean I asked you out to win a bet. I really like you Clarke.' Finn said. 'Whatever Finn.' Clarke said. She walked passed him back to her desk. 'Clarke I'm sorry I didn't know. I shouldn't have pushed you.' Octavia said. 'It's not your fault O. Don't worry about it.' Clarke said. 'I really thought he was into you.' Octavia said. 'It's fine. I wasn't interested anyway.' Clarke said. Clarke's shift was almost over. She couldn't wait to go back to her apartment and eat pizza on her couch and watch a crappy movie. She remembered it was friday which means she had to call her mom today. 'Any plans tonight?' Octavia asked. 'No why?' Clarke asked. 'Raven and I are going out. You coming?' Octavia asked. 'That means I have to put up with you two flirting all night.' Clarke teased. 'What? No!' Octavia said. 'Just make a move already.' Clarke said. Octavia chuckled. 'I can't.' Octavia said. 'Fine I'll come.' Clarke said. 'Be there at eight.' Octavia said.

'Honey.' Abby said as Clarke opened the door. 'Mom what are you doing here!' Clarke said. She didn't expect her mother to be here. 'I thought I would surprise you.' Abby said. Abby pulled Clarke in for a hug. 'Mom please.' Clarke said. 'What? You never come home.' Abby said. 'Mom. New York is my home now. I have a life here.' Clarke said. 'Doesn't mean you can neglect your mother.' Abby said. 'Mom you have Marcus. I bet he's taking good care of you.' Clarke said. Abby sighed. 'Sometimes I just want to see my daughter.' Abby says. 'You could've told me you were coming over.' Clarke says. 'Why? You never have any plans.' Abby said. Clarke was slightly offended by her mother's words. Yeah she didn't go out all the time, but she had plans. 'Actually I have plans tonight.' Clarke says. 'What do you mean?' Abby asks. 'I'm going out with Octavia and Raven.' Clarke says. 'Well I'm here now.' Abby says. 'So?' Clarke asks. 'Well cancel your plans.' Abby says. Clarke scoffs. 'Just because you show up without even telling me doesn't mean I will cancel all my plans for you.' Clarke says. 'Fine I'll go back to Arkadia. I didn't drive two hours for this.' Abby says. Clarke scoffs again. 

'Griffin cheer up.' Octavia said. Clarke rolled her eyes. 'I can't believe she did it again.' Clarke says. 'Who?' Octavia asks. 'My mom. She came over without telling me again.' Clarke says. 'Did she guilt trap you again?' Octavia asks. 'Well yeah.' Clarke says. 'Then let's go party. Or do you want her to have her way.' Octavia says. With that Clarke finishes her drink and follows Octavia in the crowd.

After a while they're back at the bar. Raven and Octavia can not stop touching each other. Clarke rolls her eyes. 'Rule number one. Never go out with a couple.' A familiar voice says. Clarke turns around. She sees Niylah. 'They're not a couple.' Clarke says. 'Whatever. Can I buy you a drink?' Niylah asks. 'Sure.' Clarke says.

Niylah pushes her against the wall. She crashes their lips together again. Clarke didn't know how she got here, but here she is making out with Niylah against a bathroom wall. 'Come home with me.' Niylah whispered. Clarke knew she shouldn't, but she does it anyway.

The next morning she wakes up in a bed that isn't hers. She looks over to the side. She sees Niylah still sleeping. Clarke sighs again. She told herself she wouldn't do this anymore. Niylah made it pretty clear she didn't want a relationship and Clarke wanted one. She grabbed her clothes from the floor and quietly left the apartment.   

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