Part 3

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'Hey princess.' Finn said as Clarke opened the door. 'If you call me princess one more time-' 'Then what?' Finn smirked. 'Let's just go.' Clarke said.

Clarke was actually pretty bored at their date. The restaurant was so fancy she didn't like being here. Finn seemed to notice. 'Let's have dessert at my place.' He said. 'I think I'll just head home.' Clarke said. 'Oh come on princess.' Finn said. Clarke rolled her eyes. 'Finn I told you to not call me princess.' Clarke says. 'Okay fine. Wanna go to my place Clarke?' Finn asks. Clarke sighs. 'Fine.' Clarke says. She didn't want to go to his place.

Finn got up and extended his hand. Clarke didn't take it, she just stood up and walked towards the exit. Finne rolled his eyes and followed her. 'You didn't have to make a fool out of me in there.' Finn said as he walked besides Clarke. 'What do you mean? I didn't even want to go on this date. You were the one who made it sappy.' Clarke said. Finn rolled his eyes. 'My family comes here a lot.' Finn says. 'And?' Clarke asks. 'You didn't have to act like that.' Finn says. 'Please don't guilt trap me. Thanks.' Clarke says. 'I'm sorry.' Finn says. He wasn't sorry and Clarke knew that. 'You know what I'm going home. Screw your dessert.' Clarke says. 'Clarke. I prepared something for you. You can't go now.' Finn says. Clarke rolled her eyes. She went home with him because she wanted to know what he had prepared. When he closed the door behind them he pushed Clarke against it. She looked Finn in the eyes. He slowly approached her. Before she could say something his lips were on hers. Clarke tried to pull away but her head was against the door and she couldn't move. His body was pressed up against hers. She finally managed to push him away. 'What the fuck?' Clarke yelled. 'Clarke.' Finn said. He put one hand on her hip. Clarke pushed his hand away. 'Clarke I'm sorry.' Finn says. 'You know I don't want this.' Clarke says. 'Then why did you go out with me?' Finn asks. He slightly raised his voice. 'Because you wouldn't stop begging!' Clarke shouted. 'I'm getting mixed signals here.' Finn says. 'What do you mean "mixed signals"? I said no multiple times!' Clarke shouted. 'I'm done with you! I'm leaving. For real this time.' Clarke shouted. She opened the door and walked out of there. 'Clarke I'm sorry!' Finn shouted. Clarke just kept walking and she didn't turn around.

Clarke closed the front door behind her. She turned around and leaned against it. She slowly let herself fall to the ground. Tears were forming in her eyes. After a while of trying to hold them back she let them flow over her cheeks. She didn't care anymore. On monday she would be away from him. She was going to Hawaii to catch one of the greatest criminals. Her life would be better after that. She can find someone who wants a relationship with her and build a future with that person. She wanted more than just hookups and dates. She needed something steady in her life right now. She heard her phone buzz. She looked at her home screen and saw Finn's name. She turned her sound off and threw her phone around the room. It probably broke, but she didn't care right now. She hated her life right now. She was chosen to go undercover because she didn't have a partner or kids. There were many other agents, but Clarke was known for not having many plans. She hated it, but it also gave her opportunities. She doesn't know if she wants to go anymore. She wants to be away from here for a while, but she still has to work when she's in Hawaii. Clarke finally stood up after an hour of crying on the floor. She went to her kitchen. She found some leftover pizza. She decided to eat it. She swallowed the cold pizza. She normally loves pizza, but the cold feeling makes her feel even sadder.

The next day Clarke had to go to the office to try on some clothes. She wasn't looking forward to it because she knew Finn is on the Sunday shift. She put on her usual work clothes and went to the office. Indra was already waiting for her in her office. 'Agent Griffin.' Indra said. Her face was emotionless like always. That woman never smiled. Clarke smiled and sat down. 'Tomorrow you're leaving for the case. Are you well prepared?' Indra asked. 'Yes ma'am.' Clarke said. 'Good.' Indra said. She somehow managed to say it like a threat even though Clarke said she was well prepared. 'Your partner Octavia will help you with the outfits. She insisted.' Indra said. At least Octavia would be here to get her through this day. 'Clarke over here.' Octavia said. Clarke walked towards her friend.

After many hours of trying clothes on and being able to avoid Finn, he finally found her. 'Clarke.' He said. Clarke looked up. 'Finn stop staring. We're at work.' Clarke said. 'Sorry I just wanted to apologize for last night.' Finn said. 'You've apologized multiple times and then screwed me over again. I don't need your apologies.' Clarke said. She turned back around to Octavia. Finn rolled his eyes and left. 'Hold on I'm missing parts here.' Octavia said. 'Well he told me I shouldn't have acted the way I did at the restaurant.' Clarke said. 'How did you act?' Octavia asked. 'Like I wasn't interested because I wasn't.' Clarke said. 'Then why would he tell you to not act that way. You made it very clear from the beginning.' Octavia said. Apparently his family comes there a lot.' Clarke said. 'Kind of a dick move.' Octavia said. Clarke chuckled. 'I know, but it gets worse.' Clarke said. 'Oh tell me.' Octavia said. 'On the way to his apartment, which he basically forced me to go to, I made it very clear I still wasn't interested. Then he kissed me.' Clarke said. 'Are you kidding me?' Octavia asked. 'No.' Clarke said. 'I never liked him but what the actual,' 'I know.'

They were done fitting clothes now and Clarke was on her way home. Tomorrow she's leaving her life behind to catch a criminal. It all feels kinda crazy for her now. 

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