Part 25

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Clarke saw his hands clench tighter on the steering wheel. 'Stop looking at me.' Clark looked away. She didn't know what to do or say. Clarke looked out of her car window. The busy streets of New York. She wished she could just disappear in those crowds and never come back. 'You said you were over her!' Bellamy shouted. Clarke jumped in her seat. She didn't expect this sudden outburst. 'No you swore you were over her!' Clarke closed her eyes. Tears rolling over her cheeks. 'I know and I am.' Clarke whispered. That was a lie. She lied to him all this time but she couldn't lose the one thing she had left because if she would that meant losing Octavia and Raven too. 'Clarke do you really want to be with me?' The hurt in his voice broke Clarke's heart completely. She did want to be with him, but she didn't love him like he loved her. 'Of course I do.' Clark says. 'Do you love me?' He asked. Clarke closed her eyes. She couldn't lie about this. 'Clarke.' The hurt in his voice took all the strength she had left. 'Yes but not as much as you love me.' Clarke whispers. 'What do you mean with that.' Bellamy says. His voice was fierce. She had to come clean but she couldn't. 'You love me like I'm your person. You're it. You're destination. You told me that. I don't feel that.' Clarke says. 'Did you feel it for her?' Bellamy asks. She did. She really did. She thought Lexa and her were soulmates. The right person, the wrong time. That was the excuse she told herself to get up every day. She didn't need it anymore. 'No.' Clarke whispers. 'I love you. She's gone and you're here.' Clarke says. 'Exactly she's gone Clarke. Get over her.' Bellamy says. 'I am.' Clarke says. 'But her name still hurts me.' She lays a hand on Bellamy's leg. 'Madi and I need you.' Madi.

Parents night. Madi asked Clarke to come since her actual mom couldn't. 'Are you sure you want to come?' Bellamy asks. 'Because you don't have to.' Clarke's leg was bouncing up and down. Madi was a big change in her life. She knew Bellamy had a daughter when she started this whole thing but she never expected Madi to see her as a mother figure. Still she would do anything for that girl. She loved Madi like a daughter. Clarke knew Madi's mom. Of course she did. She worked together with her. She knew about Lexa. 'Come on let's go.' Madi says. Bellamy looked at Clarke. 'I can tell her if you don't want to.' Bellamy whispers. 'Tell me what? Are you not coming Clarke?' Madi asked. 'Of course I'm coming.' Clarke says as she smiles. Madi and Clarke walk hand in hand to the car. Bellamy caught right up

'So you must be her mother.' Clarke let out a nervous laugh. 'No I'm her stepmom.' Clarke says. 'Next time bring Madi's actual mom.' The teacher says. 'Clarke is my actual mom.' Madi says. 'She just said she is your stepmom.' The woman said. 'Well yeah, but my biological mom is dead.' Clarke's heart filled with warmth because of what Madi said, but also with hurt. She knew she couldn't leave Bellamy now. She couldn't leave Madi. She became too important to the nine year old girl. 'I'm so sorry I didn't mean to intrude.' The woman said. 'It's fine.'

'Thank you so much for coming.' Madi cheered. She jumped into Clarke's arms. 'Of course.' Clarke said. 'Come on let's get you to bed.' Clarke says. Bellamy was out for some emergency at work. She was alone with Madi. Well Octavia was coming over. 'Can I stay up until Octavia gets here please. I wanna tell her that you came. She told me it was a good plan to ask you to come.' Madi says. Clarke raised an eyebrow. Madi pouted. Clark chuckled. 'Fine, but if you're going to stay up we better make it good.' Clarke says. Madi's eyes lit up. Clarke went to the kitchen and Madi followed her to see what she was doing. She let out an excited scream when Clarke pulled out the marshmallows. She made hot chocolate and dropped some marshmallows in it.

'Octavia!' Madi cheered. 'Hey Madi.' She gave the little girl a hug. 'Clarke came with us.' Madi says. 'She did?' Octavia asks. 'Yes!' Madi says. Octavia smiled and walked into the living room. When she was sure Madi couldn't hear her she asked: 'So you and Bellamy are fine?' 'Yes we are.' Clarke says. 'Well good.' Octavia says. 'I'm gonna put her to bed before Bellamy gets mad at me again for letting Madi stay up.' Clarke says. Octavia chuckles. 'He's such a strict parent.' Octavia jokes. 'Not really. He just wants Madi to sleep enough.' Clarke says. 'I only let her stay up because she really wanted to tell you I came with them.' Clarke says. 'Which was just too cute and the face she made.' Clarke turned around and saw the look on her face. 'What?' Clarke asks. 'You love her like a daughter don't you?' Clarke smiled. 'Yes, yes I do.' Clarke says. 'Well I love you like a mom.' Madi says. 'A really annoying mom for not letting me stay up any longer.' Clarke raised her eyebrow. 'I made you hot chocolate and I already let you stay up, how am I annoying?' Clarke teased. Clarke started tickling the girl, but she managed to get away and ran upstairs. Clarke chased her. 

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