Part 35: epilogue

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'Madi come one!' Clarke shouts. Lexa smirks. 'What is it now?' Clarke asks.

'Nothing,' Lexa says.

'Lexa.' Clarke raises an eyebrow. Lexa giggles. She grabs Clarke's hand and pulls her closer. Clarke falls in her lap. Lexa kisses her lips. Soft and sweet.

'I hate you so much,' Clarke whispers.

'No you don't,' Lexa whispers.

'Gross,' Madi says.

'There you are,' Clarke says.

'Did you pack your things?' Lexa asks.

'Yes,' Madi says.

'Let's go you can't be late,' Clarke says. 'Bye Lex I love you,' she says.

'I love you too,' Lexa says.

'Idiots,' Madi says.

'Language,' Clarke says. Madi rolls her eyes.

'We're still going shopping right mom?' Madi asks.

'Yes sweetie,' Lexa says.

'Clarke she called me mom!' Lexa shouts. Clarke smiled. She loved seeing Lexa happy. She loved seeing Lexa happy about Madi. She felt like they had become her family. No they were her family. Clarke and Lexa were happier than they've ever been. And they wanted it to stay that way. 

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