Part 6

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Lexa has locked herself in her room alone for days now. She doesn't want to see her father. Her father who murdered her mother six days ago. Anya had begged her to come out of her room. Lexa refused. Her father told Anya and Lincoln that she died of a heart attack. He told Lexa to never speak of this again. He told her she would end up the same way as her mom. Lexa was scared. She didn't know what to do. She always went to her mom for advice and it hurts her so much that she can't right now. Lexa sat on the floor. Her back leaning against the bed frame. Her head buried in her hands. She heard a knock on the door. Her room is dark. She hadn't opened the curtains for three days. 'Lexa you need to eat.' Lincoln said. 'Go away.' Lexa said. 'I will but you will eat this. I'm leaving it at the door.' Anya said. Lexa heard a hint of fear in her voice. She didn't know why her sister was scared. Her sister was never scared. Once they were playing in the attic. They had so much fun. Lincoln was with them too. Lexa saw a spider. She was terrified. Her sister took it and brought it outside. Lexa followed her. She hid behind Anya. 'It's okay. He won't hurt you.' She said. She wasn't scared back then and now she is. Lexa stood up. She had to know what was going on with Anya. She slowly opened the door. She saw her sister crying. She came out of the room. She hugged her sister. 'You never cry.' Lexa said. Before she knew it her father took her away from her sister. 'Don't hurt her.' Anya said. Lexa screamed and kicked her father. She begged her father to let her go. She didn't want to see him. She didn't want to talk to him. She hated him. He killed her mother. He killed the person she loved the most in this world. The last thing Lexa saw was Anya falling to the ground before they turned around a corner.

'Lexa you need to shoot the target, not the wall!' Titus shouted. Three weeks of training. Her father is forcing her to become a killer. A cold blooded assassin. A murderer. 'I don't want to do this dad.' Lexa said. 'Don't start crying again.' Titus said. All the love he once had was gone. Was his love all pretend? Was it for mom? Was it for his alibi? 'It's been three weeks and you still can't get it done.' Titus said. 'You're not good enough.' He said. 'I'm sorry.' Lexa said. 'I can't be what you want me to be.' Lexa said. She couldn't hold back the tears anymore. Out of anger she threw the knife she was holding. Right in the middle of the target. The evil smirk that appeared on Titus' face said it all.

A year later and Lexa was fully trained. She's a cold blooded fifteen year old assassin. She is the person she hates the most. She is her father. Incapable of love. Incapable of caring about other people, about other people's feelings. Her own feelings didn't leave tho. She still feels horrible about what is happening. There's one person she can love. The girl who taught her to love again, but just her. Just her not anyone else. Just her. She doesn't know why either. She doesn't know why she loves this girl. She just does. 'Queen Nia has more assassins than us. We need to find more recruits.' Titus said. 'Why does she go by Queen Nia?' Lexa asks. 'It's called an alibi.' Titus said. 'Do I have an alibi?' Lexa asks. 'Yes. You have the family alibi. Woods.' He says. 'Woods is our last name.' Lexa says. 'Exactly. No one knows that.' Titus says. 'Is that why I can't tell anyone my last name?' Lexa asks. 'Yes.' Titus says. 'Is that why the teachers always warn each other about me?' Lexa asks.

Four years ago at school she overheard a conversation between the new teacher at her school. She asked Lexa what her last name was and a teacher pulled him away from her. 'Don't ask. Her father is rich. Apparently it's a big secret.' That's what the other teacher said, but they weren't rich. Yes they lived in a castle, but that was all for the show. They only owned the attic and the second floor. The rest was storage for companies. At least that is what Titus told her back then.

Now she's stacking guns and bullets in one of those rooms. Yes it's a storage, but not the kind of storage she expected. Her father gave her her first mission today. She needed to find a recruit. Her father told her to take one from Queen Nia. She knew Costia was a recruit from Queen Nia. She's going to ask Costia to come over and ask her to be a recruit for Titus. Her father told her that if she disobeys she would end up just like her mom. She was too afraid to say no to anything he said. She just listened. She hated that she did so. She hated everything about the person she became. She was about to ask her girlfriend, the only person she loves, to risk her life so she doesn't get killed. That's what her dad taught her. Your life first then the others. Sometimes the others don't need to be saved. Lexa didn't believe this. She doesn't agree with anything her dad says. She wants to live her own life. The only problem is if she tries to get out of this she can't live.   

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