Part 2

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Clarke doesn't remember much from the night before. She doesn't know how she ended up in Niylah's bed. She told herself she wouldn't let this happen anymore. She was walking home. It's nearly Christmas. Clarke asked if Niylah wanted to come home with her for Christmas, but she had said no. She didn't want anything more than the hookups. She knew she was being used. She knew she was from the beginning but that didn't mean it didn't hurt her.

Clarke went to the kitchen to make herself some coffee. She didn't know what she should do now. She had nothing to do today. Monday her undercover operation would start. Tomorrow she gets her new clothes. Like Indra said suits don't really fit with the person you are going to be. She is right. Clarke would keep her own name since there's not much to find about her. Her goal is gaining Lexa's trust. She has to be in her inner circle. That means she had to become a criminal. Of course a fake criminal, but still Clarke didn't like it. She's going to miss her best friends. She sat down on the couch with her coffee and started drawing. She didn't notice the notifications on her phone. She just kept drawing and drawing. She's always loved drawing. Maybe because her mother hates that she wanted to become an artist or because her father loves that she draws. Well loved. Her father passed away a longtime ago. Finally Clarke noticed all the messages on her phone. 

Octavia: Where are you?

We lost you last night


Please reply


Clarke: sorry sorry

I'm at home now

Octavia: Where were you?

Clarke: at niylah's

Finn: Hey princess

Clarke: How did you get my number?

Finn: Octavia gave it to me

Clarke: I'm going to kill her

Finn: Don't

I had to beg a lot

Clarke: Whatever

Finn: please go out with me tonight

I promise it's not a bet

please princess

Clarke: Fine

Finn: Really?

Clarke: yes

don't make me regret this

Finn: I won't I promise

Clarke: but leave my friends alone

just talk to me next time

Finn: I will

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