Part 23

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Clarke was fine really, but still Lexa wouldn't let her do anything alone. It's been two months since the accidents. Clarke fully recovered. Today she's going back to work. Desk duty, but still she could work again. Lexa blamed herself for what happened. She was the one that made Clarke look at her and not at the road. It wasn't her fault. Clarke tried to convince her, but still Lexa blamed herself.

'Lex please I can make myself a cup of coffee.' Clarke chuckles. 'No. Sit down. I'll make it for you.' Lexa says. 'Fine you do you.' Clarke says. 'Are you sure I don't have to drive you to work?' Lexa asks. 'Octavia is picking me up. I'll be fine.' Clarke says. 'Are you really sure?' Lexa asks. 'Yes baby.' Clarke says. 'You have to go to work as well. You can't be late on your first day.' Clarke says. 'I start at 12 I have time.' Lexa says. 'Baby I've fully recovered. I'm fine.' Clarke says.

'Clarke we need to talk to you.' Octavia says. Octavia dragged Clarke into a room. 'Nobody can know about this.' Octavia says. Clarke looks around her and sees Raven and Bellamy. 'We think Finn is the one who hit you with a car.' Octavia says. 'Okay accidents happen, but I feel like you're not telling me something.' Clarke says. 'We've noticed he visits Titus a lot.' Raven says. Clarke was shocked. 'We're not sure but I think Titus was behind this.' Raven says. 'We officially don't have this information.' Octavia says. 'Ah I see.' Clarke says. 'Clarke I'm sorry this is happening to you and Lexa.' Bellamy says. 'We will do everything we can to stop this.' Raven says. 'I wanna help really, but I'm stuck on desk duty.' Clarke says. 'Yeah we know. That's why we're doing it.' Bellamy says. 'Thanks guys.'

Clarke spends the day organizing files from cold cases. Not her favorite job but she has nothing better to do. The case the team is currently working on needs some field things which she can't participate in. She knows Lexa should be at home by now and she decides to call her. She clicks on Lexa's name. She waits for Lexa to pick up. It takes a while before she does. She's probably busy, Clarke thinks. And she is.

'Hey baby.' Clarke says. 'Hey.' Lexa says. 'Octavia and Raven think your father was behind the accident. Crazy huh? Oh and they think Finn is helping him!' Clarke says. 'Yeah I know.' Lexa says. Clarke notices how shaky Lexa's voice is. 'Lex are you okay?' Clarke asks. 'Yes don't worry!' Lexa says. Her voice sounds forced. 'I'm coming home.' Clarke says. 'No please don't.' Lexa says. 'What is going on?!' Clarke now yells. Which earns her several looks from her coworkers.

Lexa hears Clarke coming into the apartment. She's as shocked as her when she sees what's in their living room. Or maybe I should say who. 'What happened!' Clarke shouts. Lexa runs her hand through her hair. 'And why aren't you helping him.' Clarke says. 'I don't know how.' Lexa says. Clarke puts her fingers on the man's neck. 'No heartbeat.' Clarke says. 'He's gone.' Clarke says. A tear escapes Lexa's eye. Not because she cared for the man, but because she swore to never kill again and here she is. She dropped on her knees. She dropped the gun. Clarke saw the gun and picked it up. 'Wait this an fbi gun.' Clarke says. Lexa nods. Tears streaming down her face ending up on the carpet. The same carpet as the blood is on.

Once Lexa calmed down she tried to explain what happened. 'So he tried to kill you?' Clarke asks. 'Yes.' Lexa says. 'And then you two fought.' Clarke says. 'Yes.' Lexa says. 'And then he pulled the trigger but you managed to turn the gun around before he could shoot you.' Clarke says. Lexa nodded. 'Right okay.' Clarke says. 'I know how it sounds coming from me.' Lexa says. 'Pretty believable?' Clarke asks. 'You believe me?' Lexa asks. 'Of course I do. You swore you'd never kill again and the way you broke down? Definitely not planned.' Clarke says. 'I'm scared Clarke.' Lexa whispers. 'I'm here.' Clarke whispers. She pulls the brunette close. 'Maybe we should call someone.' Lexa says. Clarke chuckles. 'Right.' Clarke says. Clarke pulled her phone out of her pocket and called Indra. 'What Griffin?' She asked. 'Dead body in my apartment. Send a team.' Clarke says. 'Any idea who it is?' Indra asks. 'Finn Collins.' Clarke says. 'You mean our Finn?' Indra asks. 'Our Finn.' Clarke says.

'So you two had a fight and then he tried to kill you but you managed to save yourself?' Octavia asked. 'Yeah.' Lexa said. 'That's pretty badass not gonna lie.' Octavia says. Lexa chuckles. 'We'll handle this okay?' Lexa nods. 'I know.' She says. 

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