Part 14

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Her green eyes meeting Clarke's blue ones. 'Clarke.' She said. She noticed Indra left the room. She looked behind her, but she couldn't find Indra. It's like she vanished out of nowhere. Clarke closed the door behind her. She ran towards Lexa. She noticed she wasn't cuffed. 'What the fuck.' Clarke said. 'I love it when you swear.' Lexa said. Her voice went from soft and fragile to low and seductive. 'There you go again.' Clarke whispers. 'What baby?' Lexa asks. She whispers it in her ear which sends shivers down Clarke's spine.

Clarke couldn't control herself anymore. She leaned in and kissed Lexa. The kiss started soft and delicate, but it got harsher by every second. Lexa's hand was on her hip. Lexa moved to Clarke's neck. She sucked the sensitive skin. Clarke couldn't control the moans coming from her mouth. She threw her head back. Her moans got louder and louder when Lexa slipped her hand inside Clarke's pants. She couldn't keep herself on her feet anymore. She grabbed Lexa's shoulders. Lexa continued teasing Clarke's entrance. 'Lexa there might be people watching us on the other side.' Clarke whispered. She barely could. 'Do you want me to stop.' Lexa pulled her hand out of Clarke's pants. A sound escaped Clarke's mouth. She needed Lexa to touch her. 'No but they.' Clarke couldn't control herself. Lexa pushed her up against the wall. 'I don't care if they watch.' Lexa said. Clarke swallowed. 'Please Lexa.' Clarke moaned. 'What baby?' Lexa asked. 'More.' Lexa did what she was told. 'You're so wet.' Lexa whispered. Clarke hummed. She kissed her lips. Lexa's tongue finding Clarke's. 'You're so hot.' Lexa whispered.

'Lexa we need to talk.' Clarke says. 'Do we?' Lexa asks. 'I did like the non talking part, but yes we do.' Clarke says. Lexa smirks. 'You liked that huh?' Lexa asked. 'Yeah.' Clarke says. Lexa leans in and kisses Clarke's lips. 'Then let's do it again.' Lexa says. 'We can't.' Clarke says. 'Why not?' Lexa asks. 'We can do that tonight.' Clarke says. 'About that.' Lexa says. 'I'll probably be in jail by tonight.' Lexa says. 'What?' Clarke asks. She can't go to jail. Not right now. Not while she knows it wasn't her. 'I surrendered.' Lexa says. 'Why?!' Clarke shouts. 'For you Clarke.' Lexa says. 'So you will stop loving me.' Lexa says. 'No Lexa.' Clarke says. 'I love you Clarke.' Lexa says. Lexa pulls her pants back up then she pulls Clarke close and kisses her one last time. She turns around. 'What are you doing!' Clarke shouts. Lexa closes her eyes which only makes the tears fall faster. 'I know it wasn't you.' Clarke says. Lexa turns around. 'What?' She asks. Her voice sounds broken. She felt like she's broken. She's going to jail for the love of her life and it's hurting her. It wasn't supposed to go like this. Clarke should've hated her and then it would be easy. Clarke would agree to her going to jail. 'You didn't blow up that bar.' Clarke says. 'And I love you too.' Lexa felt like her heart was ripped out of her chest. 'Clarke.' Lexa says. She wanted to say so much more than that but she couldn't. Before she could say another word to Clarke she was dragged out the room by four guards. She heard Clarke scream her name, but not like she did a few minutes ago. She heard the pain in Clarke's voice. Her world fell apart at this moment. She confessed so Clarke could move on with her life. Move on from her and now she knows Clarke loves her back. She regrets everything she did now. She shouldn't have confessed. If she got out of here she could be with Clarke, but her dad told her that if she ever got out of prison he would send people to kill her.

I heard footsteps on the hallway. Probably Indra telling me I have to go home or go back to work. I don't know if I can do that. I just lost her and I don't know how to get her back. 'Clarke.' That's not Indra's voice. 'Raven?' Clarke asks. 'What happened?' Raven asks. She sits down besides me on the cold floor. 'Lexa was here.' Clarke says. 'Where is she now?' Raven asks. 'Probably in jail.' Clarke says. 'Wait what?' Raven asks. She wraps an arm around Clarke. 'She confessed for me so I could move on with my life. She thought I didn't love her back that's why she did it.' Clarke says. 'Oh my god Clarke I'm so sorry.' Raven says. 'We can get her out of there.' Raven says after a long silence. 'How?' Clarke asks. There's no way Lexa can get out of there. 'I don't know.' Raven says. 'We'll figure something out.' Clarke rested her head on Raven's shoulder. She doesn't know what to do right now.

'Are we really going to do this?' Octavia asks. 'Come on it's for Clarke.' Raven says. 'I don't know Raven. It seems tricky.' Octavia says. 'Clarke needs her.' Raven says. 'Fine I'm in.' Octavia says. Raven smiles. 'Good.' Raven says. She kisses her girlfriend's lips. 'Sometimes I hate you.' Octavia says. 'You love me really.' Raven says. 'I do.' Octavia smiles.

Lexa was walking outside. She didn't know what she was supposed to do here. Sure she's been a criminal since she's fifteen, but she never got caught. She always went back home to the castle. To her father. 'What did you do?' Someone asks. 'Isn't that like the question you should never ask?' Lexa says harshly. 'Oh a killer.' The person says. Lexa looks up. 'Same tho.' Lexa rolls her eyes. 'Everyone knows what everyone did here. It's not a big deal.' The person says. 'Yeah okay. It was nice meeting you bye.' Lexa says.

'Hey sister.' She knew this voice. She knew this voice way too good. She didn't like this. It was her. She hadn't seen her in five years and now she's here. 'You got caught huh?' She says. Lexa looks up to see her indeed standing there. In the same prison as her. What is she doing here. She stepped out. This can't be. 'Anya?' 

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