Part 22

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'Hi sweetie!' Abby said excitedly as she pulled Clarke in for a hug. The blonde didn't enjoy it. 'Hi Lexa.' Abby says. Lexa smiled. 'Come in.' Abby says. 'She seems nicer than last time.' Lexa whispers. 'Kane is probably here.' Clarke whispers. 'Who's Kane?' Lexa asks. 'Her new boyfriend. She calls him Marcus.' Clarke whispers. 'You must be Lexa.' Kane says. 'Yep that's me.' Lexa says. He pulls her in a tight embrace. 'Marcus let the girl breath.' Abby chuckles. He let the brunette go. 'I'll let you guys unpack.' Abby says. Clarke and Lexa go upstairs to Clarke's room. 'Okay don't mind my bedroom. I was going through a phase in highschool.' Clarke says. Lexa chuckles.

'I'm not ready to go back downstairs.' Clarke says. Lexa chuckles. 'Come on we can get through this weekend.' Lexa says. She sits on Clarke's lap. Clarke pulls her closer. She cups the brunette's cheek and brings her lips closer to her own. Their lips meeting in the middle. They heard someone on the hallway talking but ignored it. Suddenly someone was in Clarke's room. 'Dinner is read- oh.' Kane says. Clarke quickly pulls away. 'Sorry I-' 'Just go downstairs.' Clarke says. She shoves Lexa off of her lap.

Dinner was awkward and silent. 'So Lexa what do you do for a living?' Kane asks. Lexa nearly chokes on her food as she hears what this man asks her. She doesn't know what to say. Does she tell them she's an ex criminal. Is she an ex criminal? 'Nothing at the moment.' She says. 'Just like Clarke.' Abby says. 'Just like Clarke.' Lexa repeats. 'Well I might get my job back.' Clarke says. 'If it's proven that her father forced her to murder people right?' Abby asks. 'Excuse me?' Kane asks. 'Yeah there's a killer sitting at our dinner table.' Abby says. She has a smile on her face. 'Is that why we're here? So you can make her uncomfortable?' Clarke scoffs. She gets up from her chair. 'Clarke you don't know what she might do to you. I just want you to be safe.' Abby says. 'I am safe.' Clarke says. 'She's not who you think she is.' Clarke says. She takes Lexa's hand and takes her upstairs.

'I'm so sorry about my mom.' Clarke says. 'It's okay.' Lexa says. 'No it's really not. I shouldn't have agreed to this.' Clarke says. 'Clarke it's really not your fault.' Lexa says. 'I just wish they wouldn't judge me all the time.' Clarke says. 'I know.' Lexa pulls the blonde closer to her. Clarke rests her head on Lexa's shoulder. She wraps her arms around her waist. Lexa holds her close. They heard a knock on the door. Clarke wiped her tears away and opened the door. 'I'm sorry about your mom. I don't know why she did that.' Kane says. 'It's fine.' Clarke says. 'It's really not.' Kane says. 'I'll try to talk to her tomorrow, but I think you should leave in the morning. I don't want you or Lexa to get hurt even more.' Kane says. 'Yeah we were planning on leaving tomorrow anyway.' Clarke says. Kane strokes Clarke's head. 'I'm sorry.' He says. Then he leaves the room.

'Clarke you know I won't hurt you right?' Lexa asks. 'Of course.' Clarke looks to her side. Lexa has a nervous look on her face. 'Lex what's wrong?' Clarke asks. 'I'm scared.' Lexa says. 'Of what?' Clarke asks. 'Me.' Lexa says. Clarke lays a hand on Lexa's thigh. 'Don't be.' Lexa looked up and smiled at Clarke, but her smile quickly faded. 'Clarke watch out!' Lexa yelled and then everything went black. A car crashed into theirs. Clarke's hand slowly fell from Lexa's thigh. Her face was covered with blood.

The sound of sirens everywhere. The driver of the other car arguing with the police officer that arrived two minutes ago. An ambulance taking Clarke away and all Lexa could do was stand there and watch. She was okay and Clarke wasn't even awake. The car crashed into Clarke's side. She felt a hand on her shoulder. It made her snap out of her thoughts. 'Lexa are you okay?' Octavia asked. She looked at Octavia. She tried to speak but if she did she was sure she would break completely. Octavia got the hint and just pulled her in for a hug. 'Do you think she survives this?' Lexa whispered. 'Of course she will. Clarke is strong.' Octavia says. If Clarke didn't survive Lexa wouldn't know what to do. She doesn't want to live without Clarke. She never wants to spend a minute without her. She has to survive this or Lexa would not only lose her but also herself. 

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