Part 12

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Raven saw Clarke's face. Her expression, she couldn't quite tell what it was, but she knew something was wrong. She stands in front of Clarke and grabs her hand for reassurance. 'Indra?'

Indra knows. That's all Clarke could think during the whole phone call. 'I think we need to speak,' Clarke closed her eyes. This was it. The end. 'In person.' She added. 'Your flight leaves in three hours. Make sure everyone packs their bags and will be there in time. agent Green told me you're in charge.' Indra says. 'Wait everyone?' Clarke asks. 'Yes the whole team.' Indra says. 'Goodbye agent Griffin.' That's the last thing she hears from Indra. This could be their last normal conversation.

'What is it?' Raven asks. 'We all have to go.' Clarke says. 'Wait what?' Raven asks. 'I don't know what's going on. We just have to be at the airport in three hours.' Clarke says. Raven nods. They continue their walk to the hospital in silence. Neither of them knows what to say. This situation is crazy for both of them.

'Just so you know. You and me. We will stay friends.' Raven says. 'What do you mean?' Clarke asks. 'You know if you get fired.' Raven says. 'Thanks.' Clarke says. She didn't really know how to respond. She didn't think about the fact that she would lose all her friends too. She really can't lose this job. She needs this.

'You missed a lot.' Raven says. 'Hi to you too.' Octavia says. Raven rolls her eyes. 'You usually hate it when I come in and say hi. You're always like "don't you have anything better than that".' Raven says. Octavia chuckled. She missed her friend. And her girlfriend. Octavia and Raven started dating right before Clarke left. Clarke always noticed the two of them had something special going on. Now it was real and official. Raven kissed Octavia's cheek. 'Did you guys finally make it official?' Clarke asks. She crossed her arms and leant on one leg. Octavia chuckles. 'You didn't know?' Raven asks. 'No I've been in Hawaii without you for a while.' Clarke says. 'Well Clarke, I want you to meet my girlfriend. Octavia.' Raven says. Clarke chuckles. 'So when did it happen? My last day in New York?' Clarke asks. 'Yes actually. How did you know?' Raven asks. 'Oh come on, you have to be blind to not see that.' Clarke says. 'What do you mean?' Octavia asks. 'Nothing just you and Raven eye fucking all night.' Clarke says. Octavia groans. She gets up from the hospital bed. 'Did you bring clothes?' She asks. Raven hands her the sweater and sports legging. 'Clarke close your eyes.' Raven says. Clarke rolls her eyes. 'Like I haven't seen your girlfriend change. I lived with her.' Clarke says. Raven groans. 'You're so annoying.' Raven says. 'You both are.' Octavia mutters. 'What was that?' Raven asks.

She approaches Octavia from behind and kisses her neck. 'Oh my god I'm still here!' Clarke shouts. 'Then leave.' Octavia says. 'You've got to be kidding me. In a hospital?' Clarke asks.

'So Indra told us to come back after Echo told her you slept with Lexa.' Octavia says. 'Yep.' Clarke says. 'It was nice working with you.' Octavia says. 'Octavia!' Clarke shouts. 'What?' She asks. 'Not helping.' Clarke says. 'Oh you wanted my help. I'm sure Indra will be fine with you sleeping with the suspect, who is a serial killer by the way, you'll probably get a promotion.' Octavia says. Clarke rolls her eyes.

'Pack your bags we're leaving!' Clarke shouts into the restaurant which had served as their home for the last couple of days. 'What why?' Monty asked. 'No idea. Indra's orders.' Clarke said. When Clarke's in her bedroom packing her bags she hears a knock on her door. 'Come in.' She says. Someone approaches her very close. Clarke turns around to see Echo standing in front of her. 'Echo hi.' Clarke says. 'Did she mention anything why we're leaving?' Echo asks. 'Yes why?' Clarke wanted to see if Echo would act differently if she said yes. She wanted to know if Raven was telling the truth. 'Clarke, I'm sorry.' She says. 'Why?' Clarke asks. 'Wait it isn't because of,' Echo cuts herself off. 'Nevermind have a good day Clarke.' Clarke grabs Echo's wrist. 'She did not mention anything.' Clarke hisses. 'But you clearly did.' She whispers. 'Clarke.' She says. 'What did you tell her?!' Clarke shouts. 'Everyone here knows it would have come out eventually. I don't want to be involved in your mess.' Echo says. 'What did you tell her.' Clarke pauses in between every word she says to make it extra clear that Echo isn't leaving this room without telling her. 'The truth.' Echo says. 'And what exactly is that?!' Clarke shouts. 'I think you know.' Echo says. 'I want to hear it from you.' Clarke says. 'Fine. I told her you slept with Lexa.' Echo says. Clarke let go of Echo's wrist and left her room.

'Wow Clarke what's going on?' Octavia asks. 'I just.' Clarke can't even finish her sentence. She doesn't even know what she would say. 'It will be okay.' Octavia says. 'It won't be.' Clarke says. 'Yes it will.' Octavia says. 'Trust me.' 

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