Part 19

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'Father.' He gasps. 'I knew you were too weak to do it.' Titus says. 'Aden!' Lexa shouted. Titus had a gun against the little boy's head. 'Titus don't.' Lexa says. 'Why not?' He asks with a smirk on his face. Lexa started to panic and Clarke grabbed her hand to try to comfort her. 'He's innocent.' Lexa says. 'Fine I'll let him go.' He pushes the little boy away. He falls into Lincoln's arms. 'Go.' Lexa says. 'You too Clarke.' Clarke squeezes Lexa's hand tighter. 'I'm not going anywhere.' Clarke says. 'You seem to care about her.' Titus says. 'I could of course let her go and make you come back into the business but I already did that once.' He raises the gun. It's now directly pointed at Clarke's heart. Clarke closed her eyes and took a deep breath. 'Titus no.' Lexa says. 'Why not?' He asks. Titus laid his finger on the trigger just like Lincoln had done a few minutes ago. 'Drop the gun.' Titus slowly turned around. 'And why would I do th,' He didn't finish his sentence when he saw who told him to drop the gun. 'Hands up.' Indra says. He puts the gun on the floor and slowly raises his hands. Octavia puts her gun away and cuffs Titus. 'You're under arrest for attempted homicide.' Octavia says.

Lexa collapsed in Clarke's arms. She didn't know how tense her body was until now. Clarke whispered soothing things into Lexa's ear. She rubbed circles on the brunette's back. 'It's okay. It's over baby.' Clarke whispered. Clarke knew it wasn't over yet but calming Lexa was her first priority right now. 'Will you two be okay?' Raven asks. Clarke nods and Raven leaves with Titus, Indra and Octavia.

'Clarke.' Lexa says. Clarke turns around. She was in the kitchen making herself and Lexa a cup of tea. 'We will be okay.' Lexa says. 'Of course we will be okay.' Clarke says. She grabs both the cups and puts them on the coffee table. She sits besides Lexa. The brunette rests her head on Clarke's shoulder.

'What do you want for dinner?' Clarke asks. 'You.' Lexa says. Clarke chuckled. Lexa's serious expression changed into a smile. Clarke crawled over the couch closer to Lexa. She dropped herself on top of Lexa. She pressed a kiss on the brunette's cheek. Lexa wrapped her arms around Clarke's body. 'You're so beautiful when you laugh.' Clarke whispers. A blush spread across Lexa's face. Clarke pressed another kiss on Lexa's rosy cheeks. Clarke heard a knock on the door and then it opened. Clarke sat up straight in Lexa's lap and looked who just entered her apartment. 'Am I interrupting something?' Raven asks. 'No not really.' Clarke says. 'So you two are both properly dressed?' Raven asks. 'Yes.' Clarke says. 'Right okay.' Raven says. She sat down on the chair next to the couch. 'Titus requested to see you.' Raven says. Lexa sat up and pushed Clarke off of her. 'I get it if you don't want to go. I just want you to know.' Raven says. 'No it's fine. I'll go.' Lexa says. 'He won't be able to touch you. It will take place in an interrogation room. You'll be on the other side of the window.' Raven says. Lexa nods. 'Clarke can come too.' Raven says. 'Well you have to come because Indra wants to talk to you.' Raven says. 'Why?' Clarke asks. 'I have no idea, but if Lexa wants you there with her, she'll see you after that.' Raven says. 'I have to go. The team needs me.' Raven says. Clarke nods.

'Do you want me to be there with you?' Clarke asks. 'No he can't see me around you. I never wanted him to meet you.' Lexa says. 'I understand.' Clarke says. 'Clarke I'm sorry I got you into this.' Lexa says. 'Don't apologize.' Clarke says. 'I knew what I signed up for. I've studied your file for weeks.' Clarke says. 'Right.' Lexa says. The brunette presses a kiss on Clarke's head and then leaves to the bedroom.

'I'll see you soon.' Clarke says. Lexa smiles. 'Good luck.' Lexa says. 'You too.' Clarke says. Lexa let's go of Clarke's hand. She takes a deep breath and then follows Raven to the interrogation rooms. 'I'll be there the whole time.' Raven says. She lays a hand on Lexa's shoulder. 'Thanks.' Lexa says. 'He can't hurt you anymore.' Raven says. 'I know.' Lexa says.

'Hello lovely daughter.' Titus says. 'Father.' Lexa says. Her face is emotionless. She can't show any sign of weakness to him. He can't know anything about her. She's building up a life with Clarke and he can't ruin it for her. 'What do you want?' Lexa asked. 'You'll pay for all this.' Titus says as he raises his cuffed to the table hands. Lexa swallowed. 'Anything else?' She asked. She had to give everything she had to not let her voice break. Her father always had an effect on her but she always managed it, but now it was just too painful. She knows he will always blame her for this. Even though it's his own fault. 'It's your fault Lexa.' Titus says. 'It's not, but keep telling yourself that if it makes you happy.' Lexa says. 'I'm ready to go.' Lexa says. Raven nods. 

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