Part 13

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The flight was quiet. No one dared to speak. Octavia and Raven were both asleep on top of each other. They were not trying to hide it. Maybe they were, but they're failing miserably.

Three SUV's were waiting for them at the airport. Clarke, Octavia and Raven went into the first one. Monty and Jasper in the second one and Echo in the last one. Echo always drove alone for some reason nobody knows.

Clarke's leg was bouncing up and down the whole drive to the office. Raven laid a hand on her leg. 'You will be fine.' Raven says. Clarke noded. Even though she knew she wouldn't be fine. She just didn't know what was about to happen to her.

They got welcomed to the office with loud cheering and clapping. Nobody understood what was going on. They didn't do anything. They didn't catch Lexa. Their mission failed at least that's what they thought what happened. 'What is going on?' Monty whispered. 'I have no idea.' Clarke whispered back.

'Agent Green follow me please.' Indra says. Monty followed her into her office. Clarke took a seat at her desk. 'I got a promotion!' He shouts. The conversation took about five minutes. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all. 'Clarke you're up by the way.' Monty says. Clarke gets up. She slowly walks to Indra's office. 'Sit down please.' She says. Clarke sits down. Indra is being extra nice. Maybe it isn't good after all. 'You're nervous.' Indra says. 'I assume you know.' Indra says. 'I don't know what you're talking about.' Clarke says. 'Agent Griffin you're not supposed to sleep with suspects, but after all it helped your case.' Indra says. Clarke had no clue what Indra was talking about. 'Walk with me.'

Clarke followed Indra through the halls. Towards the holding cells and interrogation rooms. 'What are we doing here?' Clarke asks. 'You'll see.' Indra says. She smiles. Indra never smiles. Is Indra going to murder her. Probably if she's so happy. 'Agent Griffin, relax.' Indra says. She never says relax. 'You're scaring me.' Clarke says. 'I'm just happy.' Indra says. She smiles and turns around a corner. They soon arrived at the door they needed. Interrogation room number seven.

'Where do you think Indra took her?' Raven asks. 'A place where she can murder her and nobody will know.' Octavia says. 'Oh shut up.' Raven says. 'Make me.' Octavia smirked. She heard everyone around them sigh and groan. 'O you're at work.' Bellamy said. Octavia rolled her eyes and turned back to Raven. 'O, we need to talk.' Bellamy says. 'My name is Octavia.' She says. 'Octavia we need to talk.' Bellamy says. Octavia turns around to face her. 'I'm sorry I reacted the way I did when you told me about you and Raven.' Bellamy says. 'Good.' Octavia says. She turned back around. 'Octavia.' He says. 'We can talk tonight at family dinner night.' Octavia says. 'We're at work right.'

'I need to talk to you now.' Bellamy said. 'Fine.' She dragged him to the weapons storage. 'What do you wanna tell me?' Octavia asks. 'I'm really sorry okay?' He says. 'It's just after Lincoln died you never dated anyone. I don't want you to hurt others.' Bellamy says. 'Is that really it Bellamy?' Octavia asks. 'Is it really because of that. Lincoln died four years ago. I am ready.' Octavia says. 'You loved him O. He was your first love.' Bellamy says. 'I'll always love him. He would want me to find someone. He would want me to be happy. You know that.' Octavia says. 'You're right.' Bellamy says. 'But did it have to be Raven?' Bellamy asked. Octavia chuckled. 'You only had a one night stand with her. It's not like you two had a serious relationship.' Octavia says. Bellamy chuckles. 'You're right. You're right.' Bellamy says. 'Why don't you invite Raven to dinner tonight?' Bellamy asks. 'I don't know if we're that serious yet.' Octavia says. 'Just ask her.' He says. 'Fine.' She says. 'Mom would love her.' He says. 'Yeah I think she would.' Octavia says.

'How did that go?' Raven asks. 'It went fine.' Octavia says. 'Do you want to come to family dinner tonight?' Octavia asks. 'I don't think that's a good idea.' Raven says. 'Why not?' Octavia asks. 'I'm pretty sure your brother doesn't like me.' Raven says. 'He's the one who invited you.' Octavia says. 'Fine. 'I'll come.' Raven says. Octavia smiled.

'Indra what's going on?' Clarke asked. She started to panic. Was Indra going to interrogate her. Was she supposed to talk about the night with her boss. Her and Indra are close, but not that close. Clarke was worried. She didn't know what to do. 'Clarke I told you to relax.' Indra says. 'Please if you want to interrogate me about Lexa can we please do that in your office and not here. This is scaring the living shit out of me. Please don't fire me because I slept with a serial killer.' Clarke begged. Indra chuckled. Why is she chuckling. God she hates this moment. Indra slowly opens the door. To tease her probably. 'Just get it over with.' Clarke says. Clarke walks into the room, but she stops when she sees who's inside the room. This can't be. How? Clarke forgot how to speak. How to move. She just stood there. Watching as the normally so strong and coldhearted brunette sat there crying. She still looked hot as hell. 'Lexa?' Clarke's voice was fragile. Soft. 

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