Part 36: epilogue

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'I can't believe you're going to college now,' Clarke says.

'Mom please don't cry,' Madi says.

'I can't help it,' Clarke says.

'You can let go of me now,' Madi says. Clarke lets out a breathy chuckle.

'Come on babe let go of her,' Lexa says.

'Madi I'm gonna miss you,' the young girl says.

'I'm gonna miss you too little sis,' Madi says.

As Madi drives away from the house they live in Clarke rests her head on Lexa's shoulder. 'We're getting old,' Clarke says.

'Never,' Lexa says.

'Our oldest child is going to college and Sophie is going to sixth grade,' Clarke says.

'See? Not old at all,' Lexa says.

'We're really getting old Lex,' Clarke says.

'Well at least I get to do it with you,' Lexa says. Clarke kisses Lexa's cheek then she follows her daughter inside. Lexa looks at the street in front of her. Polis was their home now. They left their ghosts behind. This was their life. They were a family. She got everything she wanted and she got it with Clarke. She promised Clarke to be a good mother. A good wife. A good Lexa. She loves Clarke and Clarke loves her. All she wanted. Right here and right now.

A lifetime with Clarke.

A lifetime with Lexa.  

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