Part 27

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'Clarke,' Lexa sounded surprised. She was surprised. She didn't expect to see the blonde here. It was her house yes but she thought the blonde was dead. Because of her.

'Yes I'm alive surprise surprise,' Clarke says.

Bellamy tried to keep in a small chuckle which came out as an awkward cough. Lexa gave him a glare.

'Don't,' Clarke says.

Lexa gave her a confused look. Clarke rolled her eyes.

'Can you pick up Madi?' Clarke asks, turning to Bellamy.

'Who's Madi?' Lexa asks.

'None of your business,' Clarke says.

Lexa nodded. Realizing their situation was worse than she expected. Well she didn't expect anything. She came here to grieve for the love of her life who she shot two years ago today. Instead that person was standing in front of her. With some guy living or staying in her house and she asked that guy to pick up a Madi. Who they apparently both knew very well. Lexa had so many questions. Her head was spinning. She lost her balance and nearly fell to the ground until she felt two arms tightly holding her. She looked up and Clarke's face was way closer than what was appropriate for this situation. Lexa's eyes fell down to Clarke's lips. The pink lips she knew too well. The pink lips she missed so much. The pink lips she thought she would never see again. The arms around her disappeared and she was standing on her own again.

'Not gonna happen,' Clarke says. The blonde felt it too. The tension between them. But she chose to ignore them.

'What?' Lexa asks. Still not thinking clearly.

'I'm with Bellamy,' Clarke says.

'Sorry what are we talking about again?' Lexa asks. Her head was still spinning and she felt like she missed a part of their conversation.

'So that was nothing?' Clarke asks.

'What was?' Lexa asks.

Clarke let out an annoyed laugh.

'You're very funny,' Clarke says.

'Clarke I have no idea what you're talking about!' Lexa yelled. She didn't want to raise her voice. She just wanted to hug the girl in front of her who she had missed for the past two years.

'You looked at my lips,' Clarke says.

'Well sorry,' Lexa says.

'Why are you even here? My stepdaughter is about to get home,' Clarke says.

So it's her stepdaughter. That answers one of Lexa's many questions.

'I came here to grieve for the love of my life,' Lexa says. Her voice showed no sign of emotions which made it hard to believe for Clarke.

'Cut the crap. I assume your father knows you failed and you're here to take another shot,' Clarke says. 'Tell me how wrong I am,'

'You're very wrong,' Lexa says. 'My father thinks you're dead and so did I until I saw you here with a whole new life,' Lexa says. Their voices cold like they weren't feeling the need to kiss right now.

'Exactly I have a new life and there's no room for you,' Clarke says.

Clarke's cold tone breaks Lexa's heart in more pieces than it already was. The empty feeling only grew bigger. She came here for closure and now a nearly closed wound reopened again. Clarke felt the same way but at least she had a life to get back to. To distract herself. A person who she could trust. A person who would comfort her, but Lexa didn't have that. Lexa was alone. Her sister wouldn't talk to her. Her brother was nowhere to be found. For Aden's safety. She understood it all. She understood why Anya didn't want to talk to her. She was the one who went back but she thought, she just thought that maybe Clarke would understand her. That Clarke would be there for her. That Clarke would comfort her, but apparently not. Lexa needed someone. Anyone. Anyone but her father.

'You tried to kill me,' her voice cracking as she says the word that she denied for years. Flashbacks of the night coming back to her. Lexa closed her eyes. Trying to keep the tears exactly where they are now. She didn't want to cry in front of her.

'We were happy. Why did you do that?' Clarke sobbed. 'And don't give me the "my father" crap,' Clarke says.

'One day you'll understand but this is not the time and place,' Lexa says. She tried to sound strong and fierce. 

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