Part 11

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The next day Jasper drives Raven, Monty and Clarke to the fire department. Echo is going to visit Octavia in the hospital and stay with her until the others come back. 'Raven and I will check out if it fits in her profile, you go talk to them if they've seen anything strange.' Clarke orders. 'Can I do something fun too?' Jasper asks. 'You can wait for us in the car and if that's too hard for you, go get ice cream.' Clarke says. Raven chuckles.

'Have you seen anything strange during the explosion?' Monty asks. 'Well we weren't there, so no.' The man says. 'I was there. As a citizen.' The woman says. 'And no I didn't see anything strange although there were two girls and a man who I've never seen before.' The woman says. 'I want you to talk to my colleague Clarke Griffin later.' Monty says. 'Okay.' The woman says.

'It doesn't match her profile.' Clarke says. 'You sound surprised.' Raven says. 'And also like you've done something stupid.' Raven says. 'And I'm scared.' Clarke nervously runs her hand through her hair. She starts to walk around the room replaying the conversation at the hospital in her head. She closes her eyes to concentrate better. 'Clarke what are you not telling me?!' Raven shouted. 'Nothing.' Clarke says. 'This sure as hell doesn't look like "nothing"!' Raven shouts. Raven made Clarke stop walking. She grabbed her head. Clarke tried to look away from her. 'Look at me.' Raven said. 'Tell me the damn truth.' Raven says. A tear rolled down Clarke's cheek. 'It's her again, isn't it.' Raven said. 'Yes.' Clarke said. Her voice was vulnerable. Broken. 'What happened!' Raven shouted. 'Everything okay here?' Monty asked. 'Yeah we're fine.' Raven said. Monty looked at Clarke who was still crying. Clarke nodded. Even though she wasn't fine. She didn't want him to hear this. She didn't want anyone to hear this. 'Well!' Raven shouted. 'She- she came to the hospital.' Clarke started. Her bottom lip quivered as she spoke. 'She told me it wasn't her. I told her to tell me what's going on and who did it, but then she left.' Clarke says. She broke down in tears. She couldn't stop them from streaming down her face uncontrollably. 'You still like her.' Raven says. Her voice isn't soft or comforting. It's confronting. Like she just committed a crime. 'You can't Clarke.' Raven said. 'I know.' Clarke shouts. 'I know Raven, I know!' Clarke screams. 'I know we don't have a chance, but I just love her.' Clarke says. 'You love her?' Raven asks. 'Yes.' Clarke says. 'Well I knew this was bad, but not this bad.' Raven says. Clarke breaks even more. She just wants to be with Lexa. 'Let's go find out who is behind this.' Raven says. Clarke looks up. She smiles a little. Maybe if it was all someone else's plan, she and Lexa would get a chance after all.

'This woman saw a man she's never seen before at the bar that night.' Monty says. 'Yes and the two girls.' The woman says. 'Those were probably my coworkers.' Clarke says. 'Think so.' The woman says. 'So tell me about this man?' Clarke asked. He is bald. He wore a weird cloth. I'm pretty sure he hid weapons underneath it.' She says. 'Okay thank you.' Clarke says.

Later when they have dinner Echo gets a phone call. Raven notices she's being all suspicious. 'I'll be right back.' Raven says. She stands up and follows Echo into the other room. 'Yeah uhh I have some information about Clarke Griffin.' Echo says. 'Tell me.' Indra. 'She slept with the suspect.' Echo says. 'Case related?' Indra asked. Echo took a deep breath. 'She says so, but I don't believe it.' Echo says. 'I see.' Indra says. Shortly after that they end the conversation. Raven pretends like she didn't hear all this.

'Clarke we got a problem.' Raven says. Clarke looked at her friend. She looked very nervous and couldn't stop moving around. They were on their way to pick up Octavia from the hospital. 'What is it Raven?' Clarke asks. 'Indra knows.' Raven says. 'Indra knows what?!' Clarke slightly raised her voice. She was scared. Scared for her job. 'About you and Lexa.' Raven says. 'How!' Clarke shouts. 'Echo.' Raven softly said. 'Oh god.' Clarke says. She runs her hand through her hair. 'She can't!' Clarke shouts. 'I know.' Raven shouts back.

This wasn't what Clarke planned at all. She was going to Hawaii, catch this girl, get a raise not this! She couldn't lose her job. Her job was her everything.

Clarke's thoughts were interrupted by the beeping of her phone. 'Hello?' Clarke asks. 'Clarke.' The voice says.

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