Chapter 27

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At this point I have the remaining chapters written guys! YAY! The book will go to 31 chapters :D

I hope you guys like this! Remember to vote/comment for me :)

love xxnightstripexx


It was a little bit before seven, and I didn't want to be late, but I couldn't tie the bow tie for the life of me. I had tried at least five times and each time it looked like I had a brain damage. For a while it was lop sided, then it be came one little loop, but the second one fell out, point is I can't do it. My mom was taking forever in the bathroom, it was like she was going to prom tonight too!

"Mom, I need you're help with this! I'm going to be late!" I yelled.

"I'll be out in a minute, go finish getting ready!" She yelled back.

"I'm already ready. I need to go!"

"Then wait down stairs and I will come to you!"

"Fine." I huffed as I made my way down the stairs, grabbing my keys and wallet on my way to the couch. The good news is that I could attempt to calm my nerves before I got in the car to pick up Rauri.

I wasn't sure why I was so anxious, maybe it was because I wanted to make this a special night. Maybe I was afraid she wouldn't have fun. Either way, I was nervous and I was having a tough time hiding it.

I had been forced into an all black tux except for the white shirt underneath. Apparently her dress would be hard to match because it had sequins on it and a difficult blue. Which was fine by me, because frankly getting a blue tux would have been embarrassing. I mean who wants to be stuck in a tux that they can never wear ever again?

No one, that's who. So I was pleased that I could just get a black tux and call it a day. Even if it meant waiting for my mother for ten minutes to come back down stairs and fix the bow tie that I couldn't tie.

"Did you get the corsage?" My mom yelled down.

"Yes...." I answered awkwardly as I realized I had almost left without it. I quickly and quietly got up and went to the kitchen. I was still surprised that these things could be kept good looking by putting them in the refrigerator.

"I knew you forgot to take it out." My mother chastized from behind me.

"Well, now I have it."

"Good, now come here and let me fix that disaster." She said pointing to my bow tie, which had fallen apart yet again.

It took her all of a few seconds to fix and make my bow tie. Of course, her bow tie didn't fall apart like my mine had done.

"Now go get her and have a good time, but not that kind of good time." She stressed as I gave her a smirk.

"What would give you that idea mother!? I'm hurt!" I said with a laugh as I bolted for the door. A pillow hit me in the back before I made it out the door and landed in a light flop on the floor behind me.

I put the car in drive as soon as I hopped in. I was going to be late if I didn't punch it, but I'd be even later if I got pulled over by a cop. It would look worse for me to show up with a police escort than to just show up late, but it would be optimal to show up right on time.

That's what I did. It took some creative driving such as, creating dirt roads and speeding up until I saw the cop than breaking and my personal favorite, hopping curbs and swerving through cars to get there on time. Although, I didn't get pulled over, I made a lot of people angry, but I was there on time and that's what mattered.

Jason would know what I did to get there on time, he saw me half way to the house at the only stop light I had actually stopped at instead of ran. I could see him laughing and wiping tears from his eyes from laughing so hard. He gave me a thumbs up and continued to laugh until his light turned green and someone honked at him for not moving.

I jumped out of the car glancing at my watch, I had one minute to be on time and only a few seconds. Almost running into the door, I was able to slide to a stop, knock on the dor and fix my hair and clothes to look tidy instead of sweaty. That wouldn't be attractive.

The door knob turned and those same fluttering feelings I felt earlier while sitting on the couch came back. Mr. Haws offered me a smile and gestured for me to follow him in side. "She will be right down. She was betting you'd be late so she wasn't in a big rush."

"I'm coming!" She called down sounding annoyed, which made Mr. Haws laugh.

"I've been bothering her for the last ten minutes. I told her you'd be on time, even if you had to break speed laws to get here and she didn't believe me."

"Well, speed laws were definatly broken." I stated with a laugh.

"Of course they were." Mr. Haws laughed as he walked back toward the den.

We sat for a few minutes, my nerves growing stronger with each passing minute. They got worse when I heard the click of heels hitting the hard wood floor above our heads.

"Sounds like the princess is ready." Mr. Haws stated, groaning as he forced himself up from the chair.

"I sure hope so." I stated, lightly touching the tiara I had placed in my pocket to make sure it was still there.

The clicking got louder as she walked down the stairs. First her nude colored heels came into sight, then the dark blue hem of her high-low dress, then as she hit the landing the sequined sweetheart neck line appeared with Rauri's bright smile and green eyes looking at me.

I could feel my jaw ready to hit the floor just from being stunned be her sheer beauty. My eyes bugged out a little bit too; I must have looked like the characters out of cartoons when they see a pretty lady.

I could hear Rauri giggle as she came to give me a hug, "That's exactly the reaction I was looking for."

"Well, I was hoping for this reaction." I said pulling the tiara out of my pocket and placing it on her braided hair.

I glanced at her expression, it was better than I had expected. Her eyes sparkled from the growing amount of tears in her eyes, her smile was blindingly bright and she looked so surprised that it was all worth it.

"I promised that this would be the best night of your high school life, Princess." I stated as I leaned down and gave her a kiss.

Too bad for me, that wouldn't be a promise I could keep for other people.

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