Chapter 30

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The first year at Jamison College flew by, I had almost completely forgotten about life back home even though Jason was dorming with me and Nathan was about an hour away from us. There was a huge party tonight at the sorority house to celebrate the graduating class and the end of the school year. We spent no time getting ready until Nathan came knocking on our door in his torn up blue jeans and a black tshirt. His blonde hair was still bright from spending every summer hour outside in the sun.

"Are you trying to blind me dude?" I laughed as I covered my eyes blocking the light that was bouncing off his hair. I heard Jason and Nathan laugh as Nathan pushed past me to enter the room.

"Who's ready to get fucked up?" Nathan asked with an excited tone in his voice. His school was strict on parties, they had cops come and break them up every time they tried, so he had yet to expierence college life and was planning to transfer here for next year. Although till then, this would be the party of his Freshmen year.

"We are.... again!"

"Yeah yeah guys, let me have some fun."

"Ok the rooms are all set up for tonight boys, Nathan I know you're still with Nicole, its a miracle but," He hit me in the gut with his elbow, knocking some of the air out of me. "Ow! But if you bring someone home, bro code remains until 9 p.m tomorrow night and anything that happens in between now and then didn't happen."



"Let's get ready to get fucked up!" I said making fun of Nathan. He punched me in the arm as I closed the door behind us.

Music filled my ears as I stepped in to Delta Ki's sorority house, girls everywhere you looked and red solo cups. Girls in short shorts and tight tops or tight bondage dresses, that some would be losing if we had anything to say about it. We walked into the kitchen to get our drinks before scooping out the girls at the party so far. Bottles of alcohol lining the kitchen counters, begging for you to take a pick and take a few shots.

"Wilde!" I heard a few guys call out my name, remembering the double meaning from my first party at a frat house for getting the most drinks and the most attention from girls.

"So I thought you said you weren't able to move on from Rauri." Nathan said causing Jason to give me a sympathetic look. We had caught him up to speed mostly on the walk over here about what had happened over the course of the year, making sure we hit all the important points first and then filled in the blanks.

"I didn't."

"Then why do you-?" He gestured around the room at all the girls looking at me, instead of finishing the sentence.

"Because I told him it would help, but it didn't. He got worse and hasn't gotten any since." Jason said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"It took one girl to break a guys dream, but then it took multiple to make her never want to see me ever again." I said in a somber tone.

"She'll forgive you eventually man."

"I can't blame her for hating me, she won't even answer if I call her to wish her a happy birthday or hoilday." I paused for a moment taking a sip of my drink. "Come on guys, I don't wanna stand here all night and reminise on high school. Let's party!"

We seperated to scope the party and see if there were any girls that we wanted to take home later tonight. There were a few girls that made it obvious they wanted to come back home with me but they weren't my type, they were too loose and slutty, like Vanessa Holder. I felt a shiver travel up my spine at the memory of all my high school 'romances', before I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts.

I walked around the party looking at all the drinking games that were being played, beer pong, kings, quaters and cards. I had a guy from my dorm housing challenge me to beer pong, I still don't turn down challenges and it's well known on campus. Ten red solo cups were set up as a peramid on each side of the ping pong table, the point of the game is to land the ping pong ball into the cups of the other person's cups so they have to drink. The one the drinks all ten cups loses, but it gets more difficult as you get drunk.

It got down to one cup left on each side, my opponent was starting to sway from so much alcohol but I had learned to hold my liqour well over the years. After my first perty it was all up hill improvement to prevent another horrible hangover. He took a toss, just landing a few inches East of my cup, giving me another chance to win. I took one final toss and it landed in his last cup, forcing him to have to drink it and ending the game. Someone lifted my hand in the air, declaring me the winner of the game.

I walked away from the beer pong table, still sober enough to walk straight unlike most of the people in this house, Some were slummed against the wall, passed out from their drinking and games. Freshmen had his party cherry popped.... I thought rolling my eyes at the sight of them so passed out not even a fire alarm could wake them up. I walked back into the kitchen for another drink, looking out the window I noticed outside was just as packed as it was in here.

There were people doing keg stands and beer bongs, smoking weed and dancing in almost nothing. That's how you know the night has been good. I smiled to myself as I say Nathan being held up to finish his keg stand. The people that surrounded him were yelling "chug chug chug chug!" to encourage him to keep going until he started to sway from the alcohol finally getting to him. I saw him be put on the ground and wrap his arm around one of the girls from the sorority house.

I went to play Kings with Jason and a small group of party goers. The point of this game was to follow the rules of whatever card each person drew ranging from aces to kings of the deck. Aces are new rules, twos are you meaning they pick who drinks, three is me meaning they drink, four is floor meaning you touch the floor, five is guys, six is chicks, seven heaven meaning you put your hand up and so on through out the cards of a deck. I picked a four and Jason was the last to touch the ground, he had to drink the last of his beer. Then proceeded to have to refill everyone else's cups while he was up.

Eventually we were out of cards and ready to stumble our way home. We just needed to find Nathan and grab a few girls to finish off the year perfectly. I walked upstairs, well stumbled up the stairs, to go to the bathroom. When I got upstairs I saw one of our football players trying to drag a tall slender  girl into a room, she was openly saying she didn't want to and she wanted to be let go but he didn't let go of her. I thought for a moment if it was worth getting involved in afight that had nothing to do with me, but when the girl started screaming I stepped forward.

"Hey she said no!"

"What's it to you Wilde?" His speech was slurred from so much alcohol I wasn't sure if he was coherent enough to understand the word 'no'.

"She doesn't want to and I'm not going to stand by to watch you drag her into a room to rape her." I took a step forward, striaghtening my back to show off my full hieght. Through swimming this year I had more muscle than when I first arrived, if this was going to end up in a fight I at least had a chance.

"Fine, you take her. I'll find someone else who wants it." He shoved the girl to the ground, and I snapped. I landed one punch across his face causing him to fall to the groung in a loud 'thud' that made me worry that the floor might cave in.

I walked over to the girl and lightly brushed her brown hair out of her face. I tried picking her up in my arms so I could put her somewhere she could lay down but she freaked out and hit me in the gut, causing me to fall to the ground next to her.

"Asher?" I heard a familiar voice say as I put my face to the carpet in pain.

"Rauri, what are you doing here?"

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